Management and reporting of IT services: CSO Mariusz Hudeczek To replace the title / subtitle with your own: Click on the title block -> select all the text by pressing Ctrl+A -> press Delete key -> type your own text CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Obsah prezentace CSO v konceptu IDC CSO – uvedení do problematiky Teamy v rámci CSO Problem management Change management Avalibility management Reporting A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO v konceptu IDC IDC – standardizace poskytovaných služeb a technologií, dodávaných definovanými kompetencemi, umístěnými na centralizovaném místě. Cíle: Standardizace: procesů, nástrojů, rolí Automatizace: eliminace manuální práce Konsolidace: soustředění procesů Kompetence: SSO NSD DCS CSC OIS CSO CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Customer Service Operation CSO: vysvětlení pojmů CSO Customer Service Operation CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO: Poslání/úloha/cíle Kontrola, řízení a podpora procesů probíhajících v rámci IBM. Cíle: Spokojenost zákazníka Poskytnutí servisu podle podmínek kontraktu Soulad s IBM standarty Řízení a kontrola Koncentrace na podporu zákazníka A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO: Obsah činnost Oblasti činnosti: Řízení Kontrola Reportink Problem Management Change Management Availibility Management SLA Management Kontrola Procesů Dokumentace Reportink Informační reporty Kontrolní reporty Správa nástrojů Týmy: SMDC P&C Management SMDC Reportink CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO: SMDC P&C Management (SM) Problem management Sledování otevřených problémů severity 1 a 2 Kontrola severit Kontrola RCA Získávání dat Eskalace Řízení problémů Change management Sledování otevřených change tiketů Aktualizace change requestů Poskytnutí podpory procesů SLA management Podpora DPE při sledování SLA Availability Management Major incident management, Manager on Duty process A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO: SMDC Reporting Reporty Kontrolní: SLA, počet tiketů, severita tiketů,… Informační: počet sametimových meetingů… Reporty pro IBM Data od všech kompetencí Umístění – Web Repository Správa přístupů do Web Repository Reporty pro zákazníka - „Packages“ Kontaktní tým pro konzultace nad reporty Správa dokumentace k reportům A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO – SMDC (Service management + reporting) 3rd Parties, eg AT&T ABB x Application Suuport & Development S.L.A.s SRs SIP Change ESC. r E 2 P R O C S DELIVERY GROUPS IBM CUST 3rd P SSO CSC DSC ITS SEC OIS SDM Processes Problem,Change,Availability,IT Service Cont., SLA Mgt, Servive reporting Delivery Processes SMDC User Help Desk Controller Front Office Functions - Escalation - Information - Approval - Customer Contact - Reporting customer - Major Incident Mangement Coordinator Back Office Functions - Problem Management - Change Management - Alerting - Reporting Back Office Local In Country DPE Regional DPE SDM Global DPE Local In Country IBM Support team U T M Escalation path Day to Day interfaces Country Service Mgr CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Problem Management CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018 A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Definice problému: Událost, která způsobuje ztrátu nebo potencionální možnost ztráty dostupnosti, nebo výkonu řízených zdrojů či spravovaného prostředí. V tomto jsou obsažené chyby systémů, sítí, pracovních stanic, hardwaru, softwaru a aplikací. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Mise problém managementu: Problém management minimalizuje dopad jakéhokoliv incidentu v IT infrastruktuře na výrobu a zajišťuje prevenci výskytu incidentu v budoucnosti. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Průběh problému: CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018 A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Key Performance Indicators – měřené hodnoty: Measurement Definition Criteria Target Ranking PM KPI1 Percentage of problems not accepted by Problem Resolver within one day no of problems not accepted within one day / no of all problems > all problems within IBM resolver groups > difference between Date/Time opened and Date/Time accepted by Resolver < 5% 5% - 10% > 10% PM KPI2 Number of severity 1 problems not fixed in contracted target no of all Sev. 1 problems fixed in contracted target / no of all Sev. 1 problems > all severity 1 problems within IBM resolver groups > Date/Time solved is later as Target Date/Time 5% - 8% > 8% PM KPI3 Number of severity 2 problems not fixed in contracted target no of all Sev. 2 problems fixed in contracted target / no of all Sev. 2 problems > all severity 2 problems within IBM resolver groups > Date/Time solved is later as Target Date/Time < 10% 10% - 15% > 15% PM KPI4 Number of severity 3 and 4 problems not fixed in contracted target no of all Sev.3 and 4 problems fixed in contracted target / no of all Sev.3 and 4 problems > all severity 3 and 4 problems within IBM resolver groups > Date/Time solved is later as Target Date/Time > 20% PM KPI5 Percentage of problems not closed within three days after solving no of problems not closed within three days after solving / no of all problems > all problems within IBM resolver groups > difference between Date/Time solved and Date/Time closed PM KPI6 Number of problems reassigned more than 5 times no of problems more than 5 times reassigned / no of all problems > all problems within IBM resolver groups > more than 5 times reassigned PM BCP1 Percentage of problems solved within SLA Number of Problem Records solved within SLA / Number of closed Problem Records > all problems within IBM resolver groups > Date/Time solved is later as Target Date/Time > 95% 90% - 95% < 90% PM BCP2 Number of Problem Records not closed within 30 / 60 days Number of Problem Records not closed within 30/60 days / Number of closed Problem Records All Severity 1 and 2 Problem Records, which were not closed within 30 days and all Severity 3 and 4 Problem Records, which were not closed within 60 days within the reporting timeframe 20% - 25% < 20% A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
KPI– dopad problém managementu: A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Nástroje problem managementu: Sledování problémů eESM Help Now Zákazníkův náhled do problému dostupný v intranetu eESM Manage Now Dokumentace, monitoring, reseni, eskalace problému eESM Tivoli Service Desk Vstupní prostředí Helpdesku Reporting Crystal pro KPI reporty Brio Reporting pro opertivní reporty Report now pro SLA reporty A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Change Management CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018 A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Definice změny (Change): Change je jakákoliv instalace nebo úprava hardwaru, systému, softwaru, aplikací, prostředí či připojených sítí. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Mise change managementu: Change management je „nástroj“, který zajišťuje, že prvky jsou měněný předem definovaným způsobem bez chyb a špatných rozhodnutí. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Průběh změny (Change): A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Key Performance Indicators – měřené hodnoty: Measurement Definition Criteria Target Ranking Exception Changes CMKPI2 Percentage of failed changes no of failed changes / no of all changes all changes / failed changes < 5% 5% - 10% > 10% CMKPI3 Percentage of failed changes with SLA impact no of all failed changes with SLA impact / no of all changes failed changes with SLA impact < 2% 2% - 5% "> 5%" CMKPI4 Percentage of backed out changes no of backed out changes with SLA impact / no of all changes backed out changes CMKPI5 Percentage of all closed changes not fully approved no of closed changes not fully approved / no of all executed changes executed not fully approved = 0% >0% - 2% > 2% Process Target Alignment CMKPI6 Percentage of exception changes Cat 1+2+3 Number of exception changes category 1+2+3 / Total number of change category 1-2-3 requests < 15% 15% - 0% > 20% Business Control Points CMBCP1 Percentage of changes where schedule was not reached Number of change records not implemented within planned timefram / Total number of closed change records all change records which were implemented earlier or later than planned start and end date / time" CMBCP2 Percentage of changes caused a problem Number of change records caused problem / Total number of closed change records all change records which caused a problem in the reporting timeframe, documented" A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
KPI– dopad change managementu: A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Nástroje change managementu: Sledování změn eESM Manage Now Dokumentace, plánování, řízení, kotrola, koordinace a monitoring změn A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Availibility Management A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Major Incident Management: Major Incident Evaluation Major Incident Setup Major Incident Operation Major Incident Termination Call from Escalation Process Determine the situation affected services affected countries needed skills Recovery from Major Incident Recovery Plans Bypass Close Major Incident Verify the customer satisfaction no Major Incident Criteria met? yes assign the MIO (R&R Matrix) Perform Major Incident notification via Alerting & Major Incident DB (It is critical important to inform regularly all stakeholders) OK Notify involved persons - all persons involved in recovery Mgmt. Customer Organize the staffing Depending on the impact of the Major Incident the team, which escalate or decide consist of… Major Incident Evaluation Major Incident Criteria: DPE declare as an Major Incident Vital Customer production is affected Major Security Incident Escalation case is foreseeable Verify Recovery from Major Incident complete? Check against Major Incident Criteria setup by MIO. Decision how to proceed Major Incident Post processing Setup Steering Committee no Perform Major Incident Review 2 days after Major Incident A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. Perform Major Incident notification via Alerting & Major Incident DB to IBM and or ABB Major Incident Report according to the situation max 4 weeks after Major Incident yes Decision to raise an EXEC ALERT or not (Notes Database) CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Reporting A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
CSO: SMDC Reporting Reporty Kontrolní: SLA, počet tiketů, severita tiketů,… Informační: počet sametimových meetingů… Reporty pro IBM Data od všech kompetencí Umístění – Web Repository Správa přístupů do Web Repository Reporty pro zákazníka - „Packages“ Kontaktní tým pro konzultace nad reporty Správa dokumentace k reportům A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Otázky? A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018
Děkuji za pozornost CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018 To replace the title / subtitle with your own: Click on the title block -> select all the text by pressing Ctrl+A -> press Delete key -> type your own text CSO VUT FI 12/3/2018