Welcome to Panda Science! August 15th Please place your belongings under your desk!! Keep a pencil with you!! I’m going to take attendance – if I mispronounce your name or you go by a middle name, you can correct me politely. Sit wherever you like and chat quietly Then we can get our class started!
My name is Mrs. Quinones Call me Mrs. Q!!
Meet Maggie!
My Family!
Your first homework assignment Your first homework assignment! I will hand these out at the end of the period. 1) Student Info Sheet completed and returned 2) Signed Website Sheet/IPAD Agreement Form (Science HW pass if returned by Friday) 3) Show parents/guardians the syllabus and team info sheet
Let’s look at the syllabus – you may review this with your parents/guardians.
LUNCH NUMBERS Raise your hand if you need a reminder!
Stations Carry only your pencil with you unless a station tells you to take a paper with you. Only 5 students allowed at each station (except 2/3 which is combined). Follow directions while you discover science class expectations! You will be responsible for following them each day. Quiz in the next few days on these class expectations. Be polite and respectful to others. Patience!
Station Day! Station 1: Back left corner. Thoughtfully answer the questions and place your post-its on the poster board. Station 2/3: Using the poster board, answer the questions about classroom expectations and where resources are located (quiz). Then, see if you can figure out the magnified pictures! Station 4: Force and Motion Quiz – let’s see what you already know before our first unit starts.
Station Day! Station 5: Complete the Science Inventory sheet. I can’t wait to see what you write! Station 6: Scavenger Hunt – look for the items listed on your student sheet. Polite and respectful are the only options for behavior. Station 7: Google Drive – Fact or Fiction. Station 8: Thoughtfully write your response and place post-it on the poster. Then, read the famous scientist quotes and tell me what you think they mean (use a post-it).
Game Time! In science, we will often make observations. This game will help us make observations – look for the specific details and unique characteristics of each picture. See if you can recognize the following items…winners earn a piece of candy
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
See if you can determine what the following magnified photos are.
Questions? You each will get a question on a piece of paper. I’ll ask for volunteers to ask a question! There is a reward if you are brave enough to ask!