The Particle Nature of Light
Key Concepts… Experimental: Theoretical Black body radiation curve Discovery of Photoelectric Effect (Hertz, Lenard, Millikan) Compton Scattering Theoretical Planck quantization of energy Einstein extends Planck’s ideas to the “quantum” of light or photon
Photoelectric Effect is Critical Millikan’s brilliant (albeit reluctant) confirmation of Einstein’s quantum hypothesis Shows that light behaves in a very “non-classical” way go to applet of this
Photon reveals light’s “particle nature” Light has both wave and particle nature but is neither Photon is an example of the strange quantum idea we will also call “quanton” First glimpse of the wave-particle duality that lies at the heart of quantum physics
Compton Scattering… The scattering of x-ray photons by electrons provides compelling evidence for the photon idea go to applet
Sample questions… Q3T.1, T4 Q3B.4 Q3S.1 Q3S.3 Q3S.7