Anti-Semitism Background to the holocaust
Studying the holocaust 1933-1945 Not the only period that the Holocaust pertains to Anti-semitism Judenhaas Conditions Nationalism Race and Racism Social Darwinism Eugenics
European Anti-Semitism Judenhaas Parallels with the growth of Christianity Seen as “Christ-Killer” Deserving punishment Left out of society Couldn’t own land in Feudal system Money lenders/Sinful
European Anti-Semitism Black Plague in the 14th century Ukraine in 1921 Xenophobia Nationalism
Race as a social concept Joseph Arthur Gobineau Superior/Inferior Peoples Degeneration Father of modern day racism Houston Stewart Chamberlain Gradual process of superiority Weed out weaker people
Darwinism Charles Darwin 1809-1882 Biological evolution Natural selection
Social Darwinism Applied evolution to the development of cultures Herbert Spencer Physical, mental and cultural superiority How did this contribute to the Holocaust?
Eugenics Sir Francis Galton 1880 Organized the movement Dominated by German Doctors Selective breeding
Vocabulary Anti-Semitism Hostility to or prejudice against Jews Charles Darwin Founder of Darwinism Darwinism The theory of the evolution of species by natural selection advanced by Charles Darwin Eugenics The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics Herbert Spencer Founder of Social Darwinism Houston Stewart Chamberlain Helped design the basis for the Third Reich
Vocabulary Joseph Arthur Gobinear Father of modern day racism Judenhaas Jew Hatred Nationalism Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts, an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries Sir Francis Galton Founder of Eugenics Social Darwinism The theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals Xenophobia Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries