ELA, 3/13/18
Warm-up, 3/13 2. Define laudable – WOD (Word of the Day). 1. Write two things you have learned about your topic when writing your argumentative essay. 2. Define laudable – WOD (Word of the Day).
WORD OF THE DAY…laudable worthy of praise, commendable Thanks to the laudable efforts of dozens of volunteers, the town's Winter Carnival was an enjoyable event for everyone.
Today’s Agenda, 3/13 1. Warm-up 2. Argumentative essay peer editing ***We will make corrections to our essays on Thursday in the computer lab, and then turn in the final copy at the end of class Thursday, 3/14.*** Learning Target: Peer edit your essay to ensure you have all of the required elements
Peer Editing by Color… Put an “L,” “P,” or “E” by examples of Ethos, Logos, or Pathos Label the Claim (brown colored pencil) Label the Counter Claim (Black colored pencil) Label the Call to Action in the conclusion paragraph (orange colored pencil) Label the Echo Claim in the conclusion paragraph (red colored pencil) Label Reason #1 and its evidences (blue colored pencil) Label Reason #2 and it evidences (green colored pencil)
Important Assignments… Argumentative essays were peer edited on Tuesday, 3/13. We will make the corrections to our essays in the computer lab Thursday. Students will then turn in their final copy at the end of class Thursday, 3/14. The argumentative essay is a major grade for ELA for the 3rd quarter. Continue working on Membean for the month of March. The new session dates are from Monday, March 5 – Sunday, April 1. We are doing a total of 120 minutes, which is different from last month’s 135 minutes. Today in MAV Block all ELA classes participated in a grammar lesson about coordinate adjectives. Students will be tested on coordinate adjectives for the Milestone. Please have your student practice using the Kahoot! games linked to our class blog.