Justice on the Margins: Legal strategies to address barriers to HIV services A novel method of working with judges to build their capacity on HIV and human rights in Africa Deena Patel, Programme Manager, UNDP
Project Summary Grant Total: $10,522,144 million Duration: 3 years Dates: January 2016 – December 2018; with possibility of no-cost extension for 2019 Countries: Botswana, Cote D’Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia plus SADC, EAC, ECOWAS and AUC. Endorsement received from all 10 CCMs Principal Recipient: UNDP, PMT based with the UNDP Expanded Cross-Regional Team in Istanbul Hub Sub-Recipients: ARASA (Human Rights Regional NGO, based in Namibia, covers SADC/EAC) SALC (Strategic Litigation NGO, based in SA, covers SADC) KELIN (Legal Network, based in Kenya, covers EAC) Enda Santé (Human Rights Regional NGO, based in Senegal, covers ECOWAS countries)
Grant Countries Botswana Cote d’Ivoire Kenya Malawi Nigeria Senegal Seychelles Tanzania Uganda Zambia
Outcomes and Impact Significant positive impact on their own personal awareness and development, on their ability to sensitize other members of the judiciary, and on their access to reference materials. Online searchable database of HIV and the law related judgements In house trainings for judges Development of judicial curricula Participation in international and regional fora Formation of a Steering Committee Country examples Botswana Malawi
The Judges Forum is owned and driven by judges. How is this Judges Forum different from other judicial capacity building? The Judges Forum is owned and driven by judges. Medical and scientific information and testimony from key populations is critical. Long-term commitment to judicial capacity building is essential as is follow up with judges for significant impact to result. Goal was to create a core group of judges who would then lead capacity building efforts nationally or regionally to promote sustainability and longevity.