AIRPLANE Turbine Engine ① COLD SECTION ② HOT SECTION WING ① COLD SECTION Required Property : low weight, high strength Suitable Material : aluminum, titanium, duralumin(Al + Mg)_half weight than steel same strength ② HOT SECTION Required Property : high heat conductivity (about 3000℃), oxidation resistance, high tensile Suitable Material : super alloy(Ni + Cr + Co + Ti + W …) ③ THEMAL BARRIER COATING Required Property : low heat energy loss, protect from corrosion Suitable Material : ceramic, fine ceramic BODY ENGINE
BODY Required Property Suitable Material Lightness Fuel efficiency Strength Air resistance Easy to Production Conductivity Lightning Suitable Material CFRP Light, High strength, Make easy to desired shape, size Conductivity Fiber (Aluminum alloy) When be hit by lighting, scatter back to the air through the wing’s tip.
WING & RADOME WING RADOME Required Property strength, elasticity & flexibility_ slightly bent upward by lift Suitable Material CFRP_ High strength, elasticity & flexibility RADOME ; Cover to radar, antenna from wind pressure Required Property Electricity insulation, Strength Suitable Material GFRP_good insulator, high strength