Transmitted by the experts from Japan SGR0-19-20 U-IWVTA concepts
Concept A (Have a small U-IWVTA and raise it to glow big) Individual regulations applicable to U-IWVTA are regulations mandated commonly in major CPs The major CPs grant their national type approvals by accepting the U-IWVTA and carrying out the required verifications regarding their national requirements U-IWVTA: Applicable regulations are what mandated commonly in major CPs National type approval U-IWVTA: R137*** Japan U-IWVTA: RF* U-IWVTA: TTA**, R137*** EU Australia *Rear Fog ** Top tether anchorage *** Full wrap frontal collision
Concept B (have a super U-WVTA with top level limits from across all regions) Individual regulations applicable to U-IWVTA are regulations mandated commonly in major CPs as well as those mandated in each CP The CPs utilise L-IWVTA for vehicles that do not equip with devices mandated only in other CPs U-IWVTA: Contains regulations mandated commonly in major CPs + those in each CP ( TTA, RF, R137…) L-IWVTA: U-IWVTA - regulations mandated only in each CPs U-IWVTA L-IWVTA w/o RF, TTA National type approval Japan U-IWVTA U-IWVTA L-IWVTA L-IWVTA w/o TAA, R137 w/o RF EU Australia