Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap Craig Deao, MHA Managing Director, National Speaker, Author @cdeao
Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets. – Paul Batalden
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin
Own your future, or be disrupted by it.
Leaders are not aligned on the future If your organization continues to perform exactly as it does today (with the same processes, cost structure, efficiencies, patient care volume, productivity, techniques) your results over the next five years will be: Worse or Much Worse Same, Better or Much Better Executive Team 80% 20% Directors 67% 33% Managers/Supervisors 61% 39% Source: Straight A Leadership Aggregated Data. Database of 71,565 leader responses from >1,000 healthcare organizations, collected 2010-2017. Studer Group. 2018.
Commitment is critical, but not differentiating 83% are committed to excellence, yet 9% of hospitals are 5-star Commitment is critical, but not differentiating Source: Organizational Behaviors that Lead to Success. 400 healthcare CEOs and COOs from 361 organizations in 47 states. Studer Group. 2018.
The Healthcare Flywheel®
Why organizational change does not sustain . . . Too many new behaviors introduced at once – need of sequenced approach No process in place to re-recruit the high and middle performers and address low performers Inability to spread & standardize best practices Failure to have leaders “always” do desired behaviors Dots are not connected consistently to purpose, worthwhile work and making a difference Do not achieve critical mass Absence of an objective accountability system Leaders do not have the training to be successful Source: Organizational Change Processes In High Performing Organizations: In-Depth Case Studies with Health Care Facilities. Alliance for Healthcare Research. 2005.
New Competencies Are Needed Next-level performance improvement Doing things better Eliminating unwarranted variation Innovation Doing different things Intelligent risk taking Engagement & Accountability Getting people to do the right things
The Engagement Model Walk the Talk Senior Leaders: Mission, Vision, Values and Standards Compensation and benefits Supervisors: Communication Setting expectations Giving feedback Development Positivity and personal connection Walk the Talk Deao, Craig. "The E Factor: How Engaged Patients, Clinicians, Leaders and Employees Will Transform Healthcare." Studer Group. (2017)
Do the Words Hang on Your Walls?
Or Walk Through Your Halls?
People will do what they see you do, not what you say to do. © 2013 Studer Group © 2013 Studer Group
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. – Leo Tolstoy
Let’s Continue the Conversation @cdeao