Standard: MAFS.2.OA.1.a (DOK 2) Tuesday Topic 7 Standard: MAFS.2.OA.1.a (DOK 2) Tuesday
Learning Goal Students will solve addition and subtraction word problems.
Objective Students will be able determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. Ask the students what does this mean?
Scale 3- I can, with no help, determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. 2- I can, with limited help, determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. 1- I need a lot of help to determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. 0- I can’t, even with help, determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers.
Bell ringer What number would make the math statement true? 84 + = 90 - 2 ? At this point you may want to ask about tools and strategies that students may have used to solve the problem.
H.O.T.Q to consider during the lesson 1. How can we determine which number would make the math statement true?
Objective reminder Students will be able determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. At this point, facilitate a discuss asking the students why is it important that we are able to determine unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers? When might we have to use this in real life?
Kagan Structure- Hand Up, Stand Up, Pair up All student must determine the correct number that would make the math statements true. 1. 75 – 13 = 60 + 2. 47 + 3 = 33 + Partner A shares their answer for #1 and how they reached that determination. Partner B shares their answer for # 2 and how they reached that determination ? ? What tools can we use to help us find our answer? Determine which number would make the math statement true and show your work using a drawing or model.
You do- Write and Answer the HOTQ and equations in Journal You do- Write and Answer the HOTQ and equations in Journal. Show your work. How can we determine which number would make the math statement true? 63 – 7 = + 9 + 10 = 75 + 4 16 – = 4 + 8 ? ? ?
Exit Ticket Partner A: Turn to shoulder partner and describe how you determine which number to use to make the math statements true? Partner B: Give another way to determine which number to use to make the math statements true. Don’t forget to have the student to show, tell, explain and prove their reasoning.
Rate yourself in your journal and explain why you are that rating 3- I can, with no help, determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. 2- I can, with limited help, determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. 1- I need a lot of help to determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers. 0- I can’t, even with help, determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four or more whole numbers.