Geographic Features You’ll Need to Know…
the physical features of a place or region TOPOGRAPHY the physical features of a place or region
height measured above sea level ALTITUDE height measured above sea level
ELEVATION height above sea level
area of flat or rolling land at a high elevation, PLATEAU area of flat or rolling land at a high elevation, about 30-3,000 feet high
MOUNTAINS high, steep, rugged land that rises above surrounding land. At least 2,000 ft high
areas of raised land that are lower and HILLS areas of raised land that are lower and less steep than mountains
PLAINS area of level land, usually at low elevation and covered with grasses
COASTAL PLAINS low level areas that border oceans
part of a body of h2o that is partly BAY part of a body of h2o that is partly enclosed by land (smaller than a gulf)
CAPE narrow part of land that extends into a body of h2o
COAST land that boarders a sea or ocean
DELTA flat, low-lying land built up from soil carried downstream by a river and deposited at its mouth
ridge that separates rivers that flow in one direction DIVIDE ridge that separates rivers that flow in one direction from rivers that flow in the opposite direction
ISTHMUS narrow strip of land joining to larger areas of land or joining a peninsula to main land
a body of h2o surrounded by land LAKE a body of h2o surrounded by land
place where a river empties into a MOUTH place where a river empties into a larger body of water
PENINSULA body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on three sides by water
large natural stream of RIVER large natural stream of water that runs through the land
land drained or watered by a river RIVER VALLEY land drained or watered by a river
place where a river begins SOURCE place where a river begins
narrow channel that connects 2 larger bodies of water STRAIT narrow channel that connects 2 larger bodies of water
stream or small river that flows into a TRIBUTARY stream or small river that flows into a larger stream or river
OCEAN one of the four major bodies of salt water that surrounds the continents