1.Where was Robert Louis Stevenson born? Task for teams 1.Where was Robert Louis Stevenson born?
Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh Task for teams Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh
2.What did Robert`s father do? Task for teams 2.What did Robert`s father do?
Robert`s father was a marine engineer Task for teams Robert`s father was a marine engineer
3.What did Robert`s grandfather and father build? Task for teams 3.What did Robert`s grandfather and father build?
Robert`s grandfather and father built lighthouses Task for teams Robert`s grandfather and father built lighthouses
4.What forced Robert Stevenson to give up his practice as a lawyer? Task for teams 4.What forced Robert Stevenson to give up his practice as a lawyer?
Task for teams Poor health forced Robert Stevenson to give up his practice as a lawyer
5. From what did Stevenson get an idea for a novel? Task for teams 5. From what did Stevenson get an idea for a novel?
Stevenson got an idea for a novel from game with his stepson Lloyd Task for teams Stevenson got an idea for a novel from game with his stepson Lloyd
6.What was the first title of the book “Treasure Island”? Task for teams 6.What was the first title of the book “Treasure Island”?
The first title of the book was “The Sea Cook” Task for teams The first title of the book was “The Sea Cook”
7. Where was “The Sea Cook” published? Task for teams 7. Where was “The Sea Cook” published?
“The Sea Cook” was published in boy`s magazine Task for teams “The Sea Cook” was published in boy`s magazine
Who kept the Admiral Benbow Inn? Task for teams Who kept the Admiral Benbow Inn?
Who came to stay at that inn? Task for teams Who came to stay at that inn?
How did this man ask to call him? Task for teams How did this man ask to call him?
How did Captain spend his days and evenings? Task for teams How did Captain spend his days and evenings?
Who came to visit Captain one winter day? Task for teams Who came to visit Captain one winter day?
What did the pirates want to get from Captain? Task for teams What did the pirates want to get from Captain?
What did the blind man give to Captain? Task for teams What did the blind man give to Captain?
What did Jim take from the chest? Task for teams What did Jim take from the chest?
Who was killed by a horse? Task for teams Who was killed by a horse?
Who did Captain tell Jim Hawkins to watch for? Task for audience Who did Captain tell Jim Hawkins to watch for?
What was Captain`s real name? Task for audience What was Captain`s real name?
Who did Jim and his mother decide to ask for help? Task for audience Who did Jim and his mother decide to ask for help?
What did Jim`s mother want to get from the dead captain? Task for audience What did Jim`s mother want to get from the dead captain?
Why did it take Jim`s mother long to count out the coins? Task for audience Why did it take Jim`s mother long to count out the coins?
How many pirates came to the inn? Task for audience How many pirates came to the inn?
Who did Jim recognize among pirates? Task for audience Who did Jim recognize among pirates?
What was the most important thing in the chest? Task for audience What was the most important thing in the chest?
Fifteen men on the dead man`s chest – Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum Fifteen men on the dead man`s chest – Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest – Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Пятнадцать человек на сундук мертвеца, Йо-хо-хо, и бутылка рому! Пей, и дьявол доведет тебя до конца,
Task for teams` captain 1) the person оn а ship who gives orders; 2) а mаn, who уоu had never seen before; 3) to stop breathing for а moment from fear; 4) а mark left оn оnе' s cheek after а sabre wound; 5) аll the seamen working оn а ship; 6) unable to see.
Task for teams` captain 1) store of gold, silver, jewels, coins; 2) to go оn knees; 3) not having courage men; 4) to lose consciousness; 5) a small hotel where travellers can stay; 6)a man who attacks and robs ships at sea
Task for teams A bar of silver
А suit of very good clothes Task for teams А suit of very good clothes
Task for teams A bag full of gold coins
Task for teams An old Spanish watch
Task for teams no sooner said than done – сказано - сделано chicken-hearted men – трусливые люди to obey to the letter – подчиняться беспрекословно helping himself from the bar – угощаясь в баре (у стойки бара) he used to sing the shanty – он часто пел моряцкую песню upon my honour – клянусь честью all of a sudden - внезапно was well-known and carried great terror – был хорошо известен вселял страх to pull the handle – тянуть за ручку so, bear in mind that – и помните, что