IAEA International Workshop on Safe Disposal of LLW Topic 2 Challenges in Developing a Safety Case Working Group 2
Major Findings –Topic 2 Developing Safety Case Countries have SC guidance UK GRA, Belgium provide template & content guidance, Spain & Bulgaria have no specific guidance but common approaches available Guidance available from IAEA SSG-23, PRISM, PRISMA, GEOSAF (HLW) Safety Assessments provide WAC detail IAEA TECDOC 1380
Major findings (cont) –Topic 2 Scenarios / Modelling Challenging – based on hypotheses Biosphere modelling v important but difficult ASAM, ISAM => FEPS, NEA => FEPS,IAEA Biomass WG Provision of systematic approach to develop scenarios would be useful Inventory Review as process develops. Change safety case required. Key Radionuclides Operational & Long term may be different but both important.
Major findings (cont) –Topic 2 Characterisation Historic waste may be an issue. What to measure for? May require reconditioning to meet WAC. Uncertainty Balance between cost/ time ISAM, PRISM have looked at Suggest further discussion on this topic New Waste Review Safety Case Skilled Personnel Challenging Public Involvement Involve at an early stage
IAEA International Workshop on Safe Disposal of LLW Topic 3 Licensing Process and Responsibility for Safety Working Group 2
Major findings –Topic 3 Decision Making Process Challenges Each country different PRISM has process Challenges Balance cost/ safety Operator challenge to meet legislation Time/ cost Imposed Timeframe and technical changes Providing solutions for long term issues (closure) When is enough acceptable?
Major finding (cont 1) – Topic 3 Challenges (cont) Record Keeping Political Decisions Siting Limited Resources/ conflict of interest Responsibility Lies with operator (Joint Convention)
Major Findings (cont 2) – Topic 3 Review Safety Case Resource can be an issue Timescales IAEA GSG-4 Use of external experts Communication between different groups important to maintain integrity of Safety Case