The 5 Themes of Geography
What are they for? The Five themes of geography is used by geographers in order to better understand the world. Where it is? Why it is there? What’s there? What are the consequences of its being there?
Location Where a place is located? Absolute Location Exact location: The exact spot of a place on earth You can use coordinates (latitude and longitude) or an address to find a location Relative Location Giving directions based on landmarks, directions, distance or other information Where a place is compared to one or more places ( ex. Around the block, downtown, across the street)
Place A place tells you what a certain location is like Includes physical features such as mountains or rivers, as well as human features like the people who live there( language, religion, architecture, etc.) Can include what kinds of work they do Question to Consider: What is the difference between location and place? Give an Example. Location describes where something is and place describes what the location is like. Describe where we live in physical terms and human features
Human-Environment Interaction Considers how people affect their environment, or their natural surroundings, and how their environment affects them.
Three Ways Human interact with Environment Humans Modify their environment In order to meet our needs- build dams and levees, irrigate fields, build houses, schools, major industries, etc. Humans Adapt to their environment Air conditioner, wear sunglasses, wear jackets, etc. Humans Depend on their environment Environment has living and nonliving things we depend on for Land use and agricultural products, food, shelter, oxygen, water, etc.
Movement Movement tells us how people, ideas, and goods move from one place to another. P eople- I deas- G oods-
region Region- An area with at least one unifying physical or human feature that connects it to other places around the world. Can be linked by history, physical feature, culture, etc. -13 original colonies -Corn belt in U.S - Cold War: Eastern and Western Block -The South Countries in the tropical zone no matter in Africa or South America will have similar climate.