Be able to initiate and develop an art and design project proposal 1.1 Learning Outcomes You will: Assessment Criteria You can: 1. Be able to initiate and develop an art and design project proposal 1.1 Use critical and contextual perspectives to initiate a personal self-directed art and design project proposal 1.2 Use analysis and evaluation to clarify and develop a personal self-directed art and design project proposal How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: You will identify research and contextual references to influence your FMP, your pitch and your written proposal. These criteria will be completed before your final submission. These references, in the future, will directly influence your project and development. You will present these investigations in your sketchbook, blog, reflective journal, etc. You will analyze and evaluate the appropriateness of these references and explain how they will support you through your FMP development.
2. Be able to use research, analysis and evaluation to develop solutions for an art and design project 2.1 Use research to support the development of a personal self-directed art and design project 2.2 Use analytical and evaluative skills to develop creative solutions to realise a personal self-directed art and design project How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: You will conduct thorough research into your identified contextual references and make direct links to this research when developing your FMP. These links should be seen visually within the development of your work as well as being discussed through evaluations and analysis in your sketchbooks, blogs, journals, etc. Remember that research can include a wide range of sources and mediums, and some research may relate not necessary to your practical development but rather link to organization, presentation, idea development or problem solving. You will need to use analytical and evaluative skills when discussing the link that this research has to your FMP. This will be done verbally through class critiques and will also be evidence through written evaluations in your sketchbooks, reflective journals and blogs.
3. Be able to solve practical, theoretical and technical problems in art and design project 3.1 Solve practical and technical problems within a personal self-directed art and design project 3.2 Solve theoretical problems within a personal self-directed art and design project How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: When (not if) you encounter a road block in your FMP – whether this be a practical, technical, or theoretical (concept) problem – it is important to that you record the problem and reflect on solutions. You are not judged on your faults or failures to your ideas, but rather how you solve them. You must record any problems or change of direction to your work and reflect on the impact this has on you moving forward. Record this in your sketchbooks, reflective journals and blogs.
4. Be able to plan, organise and produce an art and design project 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and produce a personal self-directed art and design project within an agreed time frame How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: You will submit a detailed FMP proposal which includes a timetable that you have designed that will allow you to meet specific targets and goals along the way and ultimately will enable you to complete your project at deadline. You will be judged on your ability to plan, organize and produce your work within this agreed time frame. You will be expected to attend all lessons prepared with materials/resources and with a clearly outlined plan of action for that session. Your reflective journal will detail what you did on a daily basis in practical lessons, ilearn lessons, and during independent time.
5. Be able to use practical methods and skills in an art and design project 5.1 Demonstrate the application of practical methods and skills in the realisation of a personal self-directed art and design project. How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: Your sketchbook and blog will detail the practical development of your FMP – that is, what you did to produce your work. This will be providing the evidence of your use of practical methods and skills in the development and production of your FMP. This will be subject and project specific. You should describe, explain, and evaluate your practical development in your sketchbook and blog.
6. Be able to use evaluative and reflective skills in an art and design project 6.1 Maintain evaluative and reflective records of the development of a personal self-directed art and design project 6.2 Use evaluative and reflective skills to make decisions for a personal self-directed art and design project How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: You sketchbook and blog will contain the practical development of you work but it is equally important to evaluate and reflect on your decision making process in regards to that practical development. You must maintain your sketchbook, blog and reflective journal throughout the FMP and record class critiques as well as feedback that you receive outside of lesson. Be sure that you use the feedback that you are given when making decisions related to your FMP – whether than be a change of direction or something as simple as using an alternative approach, technique or methods. Record and reflect on EVERYTHING that happens on daily basis in the production of your FMP.
7. Be able to present an art and design project 7.1 Explore strategies to present a personal self-directed art and design project 7.2 Present a personal self-directed art and design project to a specified audience How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: You will present your FMP to a team of staff for final marking and assessment – how is your work best presented, displayed, and/or viewed? You must research into strategies related to presentation of your work. What is most appropriate for your idea/concept/outcome? What choices can you make in the presentation of your work to fully engage your audience? How will it be viewed? How have others done this successfully and why do you think it is appropriate for your work? You will develop a strategy for you FMP presentation to staff. You will also develop a visual proposal for how your work, ideally, will be displayed in the show. You must propose how much wall/floor space is needed to present your work and what your installation will entail – plinths, framed art work, installation, audience interaction, lighting, sound, etc.
Some Memories from previous Private Views ….
For the Show, you will individually complete: Professional display and exhibition of your FMP work Business Cards – designed and printed for the private view Poster to promote your work Artist Statement – with your portrait Organize your Private View night with your classmates Select team of students to design group poster and publicity materials – decide a name/title of your show Price your work for sale
The Show Consider how you might display your work at the show It may affect how you write your SOI