Middle East Culture Mr. Hickey
Essential Questions: How does the religion of Islam dictate the way Muslims should behave? What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Compare and contrast roles of women in Israel with the roles of women in the Muslim countries in the Middle East What is the importance of the Israeli Defense Forces? What are some important religious practices of Judaism? What are some similarities between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East?
Religion Hajj-pilgrimage to Kaaba in Makkah, Islam’s holiest shrine. Most people Muslims Sharia- Specific rules for life, “laws of the land” Five Pillars of Faith Faith- Muslims believe and declare that “there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad was his prophet” Prayer- Muslims must pray 5 times daily facing the holy city of Makkah. They pray upon waking, at noon, mid afternoon, sunset, and before going to bed. Almsgiving-Muslims are required to share with the poor. Fasting- Muslims must fast during the holy month of Ramadan. They cannot eat from sunrise to sunset. Pilgrimage-Unless impossible, Muslims must make a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in their lifetime. Hajj-pilgrimage to Kaaba in Makkah, Islam’s holiest shrine.
Women Dress Arranged marriage Loose-fitting garb Many wear veils In many Muslim countries, women separated from men for schooling, worship, medical care, etc. Arranged marriage Parents find suitable husbands for their daughters and wives for their sons. Muslim men allowed more than one wife only if they have no additional children if the wife does not meet her husband’s needs if irreconcilable differences rise between the couple if a man is wealthy enough to support two wives
Israeli Culture Similar to Western World Judeo-Christian ethics dictate daily lives Women live much like western women One difference: Israeli women (and men) required to serve in military Military Citizens over 18 required to serve in Israeli Defense Forces to protect their small country Israelis remain in reserves until age 55 (males) and 50 (females) Responsible for keeping peace in “Occupied Territories” of West bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. Areas considered a “powder keg.” kibbutz-cooperative settlement in which members work together to achieve common goals. Goals on kibbutz differ, all are governed according to democratic ideals. First established in 1909.