Poetic Elements and Devices
Genres of Poetry: Lyric: Highly musical, expresses feelings to the listener. Narrative: A poem that tells a story in verse. Concrete: Shape poems. The shape gives it meaning. Blank Verse: Sounds like the way we speak. UNRHYMED IAMBIC PENTAMETER.
Genres Continued: Free Verse: No specific rhyme scheme or rhythm necessary.
Poetic Elements Rhyme: Repetition of sounds at the ends of words. Rhythm: The beats. The way your voice naturally stresses certain parts of a line. Stanza: A group of lines in a poem considered as a unit.
Elements Continued: Imagery: a word or phrase that appeals to one of the five senses. Metaphors: A comparison, one thing is spoken of as if it were something else. Ex. Death is the long sleep. Similes: A comparison, using like or as. Ex. Death is like the long sleep. Personification: giving human characteristics to non-human things.
Sound Effects: Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds. Alliteration: Repetition of initial (beginning) consonant sounds. Ex. She sells sea shells by the seashore. Consonance: Repetition of consonant sounds in a word of phrase. Onomatopoeia: Words that imitate sounds. Ex. gurgle, quack, hiss.
Elements Continued: Hyperbole: gross exaggeration for effect: overstatement. Oxymoron: contradictory terms brought together to express a paradox for strong effect. Ex. Beautiful tyrant, jumbo shrimp
Elements Continued: Euphemism: a figure of speech using indirection to avoid offensive bluntness, such as “deceased” for “dead” or “remains” for “corpse.” Parable: a story designed to suggest a principle, illustrate a moral, or answer a question. Paradox: a statement that seems to be self-contradicting, but in fact, is true.
Elements Continued: Parody: a composition that imitates the style of another composition normally for comic effect. Heroic couplet: two end-stopped iambic pentameter lines rhymed aa, bb, cc, with the thought usually completed in the two-line unit. Iamb: a two-syllable foot with an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable. The iamb is the most common foot in English poetry.
Elements Continued: Internal rhyme: rhyme that occurs within a line, rather than at the end. Pentameter: a line containing five feet. Hexameter: a line containing six feet. Sonnet: normally a fourteen-line iambic pentameter poem with two rhyming couplets at the end. Tetrameter: a line of four feet. Terza rima: a three-line stanza rhymed aba, bcb, cdc.