CWK Date Temperature To describe hot objects getting colder in terms of heat going out of the object To describe hot objects getting colder in terms of heat energy being transferred to surroundings To describe the relationship between energy transferred and increase in temperature Lesson 1 MrMortonScience
Heat Transfer cwk date When an object gets hotter, more heat energy is moving into the object than leaving it. When an object gets colder, more heat energy is leaving the object than entering it.
Which direction is the heat moving? Heat Transfer cwk date Which direction is the heat moving?
Heat Transfer cwk date Heat moves; from the hot drink to the cup from the hot drink to the hands from the hot drink to the air
Which direction is the heat moving? Heat Transfer cwk date Which direction is the heat moving?
Heat Transfer cwk date Heat moves; from the air to the cup from the hand to the cup
Why doesn’t the room cool down when we leave the fridge door open? Heat Transfer cwk date Why doesn’t the room cool down when we leave the fridge door open?
Heat Transfer Which transfers more energy; cwk date Which transfers more energy; Heating the ocean by 1 degree or Boiling a swimming pool?
Extension: How are volume and heat energy linked? Heat Transfer cwk date Extension: How are volume and heat energy linked?
How are temperature and heat energy different? The liquids in these 2 beakers are at the same temperature, so the particles have the same average speed. 2 Beakers of water at 50°C are at the same temperature but if one is twice as big as the other, it will contain twice as much heat energy as the other. 1 litre 2 litres A B 50°C
Energy is measured in joules (J). To heat both liquids by the same amount, the liquid in beaker B must be given twice as much energy as the liquid in beaker A. This increases the average speed of the particles in each liquid by the same amount. 1 litre 2 litres A B Warmer 42,000J 84000J Energy is measured in joules (J).
Which will contain more heat energy? 1 litre 2 litres A B 50°C Answer - B
Which will contain more heat energy 1 litre A B 62°C 12°C Answer - A
What happens when we mix hot and cold? If we mix together 2 beakers with the same volume of water at different temperatures, the mixture will be at an average of the 2 temperatures. 10°C 20°C 15°C 10 + 20 = 15°C 2
How much heat is needed? How much the temperature of a material is changed by heat energy depends on – What the material is How much of it there is
How much of it there is. Twice as much water needs twice as much energy to raise its temperature by the same amount. If it takes 4000J of energy to warm up 100ml of water by 10°C, it will take 8000J to warm up 200ml of water by 10°C.
What the material is To warm up 1kg of water by 1°C, it takes 4200J of energy. To warm up 1kg of aluminium by 1°C, it takes 880J of energy. It takes more energy to get the water particles vibrating faster because they are further apart.