The XMM-Newton long look of NGC 1365: Measuring the size of the X-ray source Guido Risaliti INAF - Arcetri Observatory, Italy & Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Collaborators: M. Salvati, A. Baldi, S. Bianchi, V. Braito, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, M. Guainazzi, G. Matt, G. Miniutti, R. Soria, A. Zezas Granada - May 28, 2008
NGC 1365: The best laboratory to investigate the structure of obscured AGN Hard X-ray observations: ASCA (1995) 40 ks BeppoSAX (1997) 30 ks Chandra (Dec 2002) 15 ks XMM 1 (Jan 2003) 17 ks XMM 2 (Jan 2003) 10 ks XMM 3 (Aug 2003) 15 ks XMM 4 (Jan 2004) 60 ks XMM 5 (Aug 2004) 60 ks Chandra (Apr 06) 6x15 ks XMM 6 (May 07) 4.5 days Suzaku (Jan 08) 4 days Granada - May 28, 2008
NGC 1365: Summary of past spectral variability Granada - May 28, 2008
Chandra campaign: 6 observations (15 ks) in 10 days Granada - May 28, 2008
Complete occultation in < 2 days Dimensions of the X-ray source: D = V x T If V ~ 104 km/s ----> D ~ 1014 cm Black hole mass in NGC 1365: Log MBH / Msun= 7.3 (0.3,0.3) from M-sigma corr (Ferrarese et al. 2005) Log MBH / Msun= 7.86 (0.15,0.3) from M-LK corr (Marconi & Hunt 2003) ---> X-ray source within ~ 10 RG from the black hole ---> X-ray C-thick absorber at ~ a few 1015 cm from the BH Granada - May 28, 2008
XMM-Newton 60 ks observation: Compton-thin spectrum Fe XXV and XXVI Ka and Kb abs. lines (Risaliti et al. 2005) Relativistic iron emission line (Risaliti et al. 2008, subm.) Granada - May 28, 2008
NGC 1365: The best laboratory to investigate the structure of obscured AGN Several unique/extreme properties: Extreme absorption variability: complete eclipses in < two days --> X-ray source size, size and distance of the obscuring cloud The highest S/N iron absorption lines detected so far --> high ionization, high column density warm absorber -Relativistic iron emission line: --> one of the most convincing cases XMM & Suzaku long looks Is NGC 1365 peculiar/unique among AGNs ? Possible models Observations of other “extreme” sources Granada - May 28, 2008
NGC 1365: long XMM-Newton observation Three consecutive orbits (~125 ks each, ~30 ks gap) May 30 - Jun 04, 2007 Granada - May 28, 2008
NGC 1365: long XMM observation Granada - May 28, 2008
Constraints on the Cloud velocity Fe line width Limits on U Granada - May 28, 2008
Constraints on the Cloud velocity Limits on the Fe line width: s=0.02 (<0.045) keV X-ray source: D=6 1012 (<1013) cm Limits on the ionization parameter: U < 30 X-ray source: D < 2.6 1013 m72/5 (U/30)1/5 cm Distance: R > 1.8 1015 m71/5 (U/30)-2/5 cm Transverse velocity V < 8600 m72/5 (U/30)1/5 km/s Granada - May 28, 2008
NGC 1365: uniqueness Few bright sources with 1023 < NH < 1024 cm-2 Few other known cases of changing-look AGNs Systematic analysis of XMM-Newton catalog to search for NH variations within single observations X-ray monitoring of changing look sources: UGC 4203 with Chandra Granada - May 28, 2008
A new Chandra monitoring Campaign of UGC 4203 Granada - May 28, 2008
The XMM Long look Granada - May 28, 2008
The XMM Long look: diffuse emission Granada - May 28, 2008
The XMM Long look: diffuse emission Guainazzi et al. 2008, in prep. Granada - May 28, 2008
The XMM Long look: the ULX Soria et al. 2007, & 2008 in prep. Granada - May 28, 2008
The XMM Long look: a serendipitous BL Lac BLLac, Siemiginowska et al. in prep. Granada - May 28, 2008
The XMM Long look Granada - May 28, 2008