Classification of Fungi The Kingdom Fungi Classification of Fungi
Classification of Fungi (know chart on page 281) classified according to their colonial structure and method of sexual reproduction most common phyla (first three) Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota Deuteromycota (imperfect fungi)
Phylum Zygomycota representative organism sexual reproduction Rhizopus (bread mold) sexual reproduction zygosporangia asexual reproduction sporangiophores
different mating types Sexual Reproduction different mating types germinating zygotes hyphae fusing zygosporangium
Asexual Reproduction sporangia asexual spores rhizoids in bread
Phylum Ascomycota “sac fungi” representative organisms Penicillium powdery mildews yeasts sexual reproduction produce ascospores in an ascus asexual reproduction conidiophores
different mating types Sexual Reproduction fruiting body asci different mating types germination ascospores released ascospores
Asexual Reproduction conidiophore conidia germination BJU PressArt, biology textbook, pp. 282 germination
Phylum Basidiomycota “club fungi” representative organisms mushrooms puffballs rusts smuts sexual reproduction produce basidiospores on a basidium asexual reproduction not as common as other phyla
basidiospores gills basidium basidiocarp
Perfect Fungi “true fungi” have a known method of sexual reproduction
Imperfect Fungi have no known method of sexual reproduction examples ringworm athlete’s foot
Lichens composed of an alga and a fungus formed by symbiosis the relationship of two organisms living together reproduce by soredia three types crustose foliose fruticose