The Evangelist Timothy


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Presentation transcript:

The Evangelist Timothy I. His Parents. A. Father: pagan Greek – not a proselyte (Acts 16:1-3). B. Mother: Jew – named Eunice, the daughter of Lois (II Timothy 1:3-5).

The Evangelist Timothy II. Probably A Convert of Paul. A. “Faithful son in the Lord” ( I Cor. 4:17). B. “True son in the faith” ( I Timothy 1:2). C. “Beloved son” (II Timothy 1:2). D. Given some spiritual gift (I Timothy 4:14; II Timothy 1:6).

The Evangelist Timothy III. Travels & Labors with Paul. A. Second preaching trip. 1. With Paul at Berea (Acts 17:10-14). 2. Paul sent for him at Athens (Ac 17:15). 3. Sent to Thessalonica ( I Thess. 3:1-3). 4. Paul meets him at Corinth Acts 18:1-5; Romans 16:21).

The Evangelist Timothy III. Travels & Labors with Paul. B. Third preaching trip. 1. Sent ahead into Macedonia (Acts 19:21, 22). 2. Goes ahead into Corinth (I Cor 16:8-11). C. With Paul when prison letters were written (Colossians 1:1; 4:18; Philippians 1:1). D. Later charged to stay in Ephesus (I Tim 1:3).

The Evangelist Timothy IV. Instructions Given to Timothy. A. Be nourished by “words of faith” (I Timothy 3:4). B. Be an example (I Timothy 4:12). C. Study God’s word (I Tim 4:13-16). D. Flee youthful lusts (II Timothy 2:22). E. Avoid quarreling (II Timothy 2:23-24).