Geography Seeking Asylum [03/12/2018] Migration Today I will: Know more about what happens when migrants arrive in the UK. Starter: You have 4 minutes to answer the questions - what is an asylum seeker? Write down your answer and be prepared to present back to the rest of the class is asked.
Geography Migration
Harmondsworth detention centre - near Heathrow Airport Harmondsworth detention centre - near Heathrow Airport. People can be held in immigration detention if their applications to be in Britain are being processed or have been refused. Many are asylum-seekers. There are ten detention centres in Britain. Some are run by private security companies, others by the Prison Service. People in detention cannot leave and have very limited freedom of movement within the centres. Security levels are similar to prisons. The pictures show Harmondsworth detention centre which is near Heathrow Airport. People can be held in immigration detention if their applications to be in Britain are being processed or have been refused. Many are asylum-seekers. Some are waiting to hear if they will be accepted as refugees. Others have been refused asylum and will be sent back to their countries of origin. There are ten detention centres in Britain. Some are run by private security companies, others by the Prison Service. People in detention cannot leave and have very limited freedom of movement within the centres. Security levels are similar to prisons Pictures into words
Arrival in the UK - what happens to Syrians once they arrive in the UK? Today I will: Know more about what happens when migrants arrive in the UK. A graphic novel which looks at the experiences of a young asylum seeker from Iran who was granted asylum in the UK. This is an example of one young man’s experiences. Not all asylum seekers have the same experience but this is typical of many.
The big questions What would have happened if the agents who helped Ebrahim hadn’t existed? What would have happened if the agents hadn’t have taken Ebrahim’s passport? In your groups decide what a good answer to your allocated big question would look like? This is determining your success criteria Using your agreed success criteria write an answer to your question. Swap your answer with a partner and give feedback on what areas require improvement using you success criteria. Make the changes suggested to your answer
Arrival in the UK - what happens to Syrians once they arrive in the UK? Use the story of the young man from Iran to gather information for your next journal entry. Even though your character is from Syria, the experiences of arrival will be similar.
Geography Migration 1. In pairs - pick a person from the pack. 2. Do some phone/Chromebook research on your person. Make notes on where they come from, why they had to flee and their achievements and contributions to our society in the UK. Country of origin Reason for leaving Contribution to UK