Why use the Lesson Study Model?
Why use the Lesson Study Model? “It has been said repeatedly that teacher quality is the crucial factor enhancing student achievement and determining the success of education and education reform” (Fujita, 2004). HISTORICALLY Lesson Studies as recognized today started in Japan in the 1960’s Their origination and foundations is rooted business traditions of “Total Quality Management” and “Quality Circles” FRAMEWORKS vs. TEXTBOOK Dilemma
What is a Lesson Study? IDENTIFYING YOUR FOCUS DISSEMINATION TO HIGH SCHOOLS LESSON DEBRIEFING LESSON DELIVERY & OBSERVATIONAL ROLES Evidence of Student Learning Teacher Noticing/Interactions Organization, Board Use, and Materials IDENTIFYING YOUR FOCUS Preparing The Lesson Anticipating Responses Critical Edit/Review Task vs. Worksheet
Observational Foci Teacher Observers will be assigned 3 specific observational foci. A group will be assigned to each of the following focus groups: Observing evidence of student learning. Teacher Questioning, Anticipating, and Noticing Physical Organization and Board Useage
The Structure SUMMER MEETINGS (6/7 – 6/10): 6/7 – Observe task based lesson with students Selecting a team and Framework Unit 6/8 – Evaluating Resources: GPC Frameworks, MOCC, Matt’s Math Lab’s, Exemplars, Begin Development of Task 6/9 – Continue Developing Task, Anticipating Student Responses, Evaluating Task’s Cognitive Demands. 6/10 – Practice Task with a small group of Students
The Structure 2010 – 11 School Year 8 Face to Face Meetings in which your group will deliver the lesson with debriefing 8 Online Discussions Local School Dissemination and Documentation: Teachers Observe Your Classroom OR You Teach One Day of their Class
Stipends and PLU’s SUMMER SESSION: 2 PLU’s & $300 for 100% completion of course 2 PLU’s for 80% completion of course SCHOOL YEAR SESSION: 2 PLU’s & $300 for 100% completion of course 2 PLU’s for 80% completion of course
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