ICU Energy Color See what I mean? 100 200 300 400 500 You light up my life. Color See what I mean? 100 200 300 400 500
Mirrors that curve in on the shiny side 100
Mirrors that curve out on the shiny side 200
Formed when light is blocked by an object 300
Bouncing of light rays 400
Tells us that the angle light hits a mirror is the same as the angle light bounces off a mirror 500
Type of energy that is trapped by plants 100
Stored energy from the sun is called by this name 200
prehistoric rotting plants Formed by prehistoric rotting plants 300
Instrument that sends out a narrow beam of light 400
People need sunlight to get enough of this nutrient that forms strong teeth and bones 500
Materials that let light pass through 100
Materials that do NOT let light pass through 200
Materials that scatter light 300
Clean glass and clean air are examples. 400
Frosted glass and waxed paper are examples 500
Band of colors made by bending light 100
Term for bending light 200
Instrument used to bend light 300
Spectrum formed when raindrops refract and reflect light across the sky 400
Name used to remember the order of the light spectrum 500
Opening in the iris 100
Takes images to the brain 200
Colored part of the eye 300
My glasses bend light so an image forms on this part of the eye. 400
Shaped piece of glass used to refract light 500