Guide to infectious Pathogens (“Disease Causers”) Viruses: Bacteria: Protists/Fungi: (not alive) (Prokaryotes) (Eukaryotes) protein coat cell membrane cell membrane DNA or RNA maybe cell wall DNA in nucleus that’s all! DNA -no nucleus chromosomes ribosomes organelles Very small ~ 5 mm ~ 100 mm no cure antibiotics invented (vaccines) cure antibiotics Cell membrane DNA in nucleus Chromosomes Organelles
Guide to the Pathogens (= “Disease Causers”) Viruses: Bacteria: Protists/Fungi: (not alive) (Prokaryotes) (Eukaryotes) HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Malaria “Flu” Plague Amoebic Colds Lyme Disease Dysentery Ebola Leprosy Smallpox Cholera
Prokaryotes: 2 kingdoms, Eubacteria and Archeabacteria. No nucleus No Organelles Small Evolved ~ 3.5 million years ago Some require oxygen (O2) some do not
More about the Eubacteria: Cell Walls – two types Gram stain (+) or (-) Gram-negative do not respond to antibiotics Shapes: spherical (“cocci”), spiral, rod- shaped
More about the Eubacteria: Reproduction: DNA duplicates, cell divides Nutrition: Autotrophs (make own food by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis) Heterotrophs (food made by others) Roles: decomposers, N2-fixers, yoghurt, cheese, etc. N=N
More about the Eubacteria: Food contamination: salmonella & botulism! Sanitation, heat, cold, vaccination and antibiotics our best defenses (blue-green bread mold makes penicillin, an antibiotic.)
More about viruses: Not alive. Not cells Reproduce by taking over a cell’s nucleus and ribosomes Vaccines won’t work if virus mutates quickly Antibiotics don’t work at all against viruses
1. Virus lands on cell membrane How do viruses work? 1. Virus lands on cell membrane
2. Virus injects its DNA or RNA: How do viruses work? 2. Virus injects its DNA or RNA:
3. Cell’s enzymes and ribosomes make new virus parts How do viruses work? 3. Cell’s enzymes and ribosomes make new virus parts
4. New virus parts assemble themselves. How do viruses work? 4. New virus parts assemble themselves.
5. Cell fills with new viruses and then bursts: How do viruses work? 5. Cell fills with new viruses and then bursts:
Eukaryotes ( 4 kingdoms: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists.) Have nuclei Have many organelles Big Evolved ~1 billion years ago Require O2 Cell membrane DNA in nucleus Chromosomes Organelles
Archae- Bacteria Eu- bacteria Fungi = decomposers Plants = Photo- synthesizers Animals Eukaryotes = cells with nuclei Protists = one cell Archae- Bacteria environments) (extreme Eu- bacteria Prokaryotes = no nuclei