Formatting and Citations Applied for AICE GP Component 2 Paper Adapted from Samantha Jaquish
The Basics Double-spaced For PC 1” margins Right click Paragraph Double 1” margins “Clear and highly readable” font 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial
The Basics (continued) Header – “running head” on top of every page, aligned right Last name and page number – ex. Chalker 1 Add Header Add page # Top of page Format page # Start at 0 Different 1st page (Check box) Add LAST name before page # Close Header
Paper Format: Sections Major Sections Title Page Main Body References (Bibliography at End)
Title Page Format First Name Last Name Candidate # 0000 Center Number US822 Duncan U. Fletcher High School June 2015 Question: Does AICE Global teach to the Global World? Word Count: Total Number of Words
Main Body: Footnotes Cambridge asks that footnotes be used instead of in-text citations Footnotes should be used when you first introduce your sources You should then include a footnote anytime you use a direct quote or list a specific statistic or fact Footnotes can also be used to provide a SHORT clarification or note for your text Example: if you say “The World Health Organization” and would like to use “WHO” instead from now on, an appropriate footnote would be “Hereafter referred to as “WHO”
Main Body: Footnotes (continued) How to insert a footnote in Microsoft Word For PC Go to the “Reference” tab Click “Insert Footnote” For Mac Go to “Document Elements” tab Click “Footnote” in “Citations” section A superscript number will appear whenever your cursor is and a footnote will appear at the bottom of the page with the same number
Main Body: Footnotes (continued) Footnotes should use the first word(s) of the citation listed on the reference page whenever possible Author's last name is ideal It should be VERY clear from your footnote which work you are citing
References: The Basics Very similar to a Works Citied page Any work used in the text should be included in the reference list AND any work on the reference list should be used in the text Begin on a new page Center “References” at the top of the page No bold, underlining, or other formatting Use hanging indention All lines after the first line of each entry should be indented ½” from the left margin Author’s names are inverted (Last name first)
References: The Basics (continued) Entries should be alphabetized by last name of the first author of each work For multiple works by the same author, list in chronological order with earliest first and most recent last Italicize titles of longer works (e.g. books or journals) Do NOT italicize, underline, or put in quotes names of shorter works (e.g. articles or essays) Go to Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) for help writing individual references
Saving Document Use the following format to save your work Syllabus Code_Component Code_ Centre Number_Candidate Number_File number_File Format 9239_02_US822_0000_01.docx (Essay) 9239_02_US822_0000_02.docx (Cover Sheet)