Young’s double slit experiment Division of Wavefront
Michelson Interferometer Division of Amplitude
Effective Arrangement
Fringe Conditions Dark
Circular Fringes
Central Dark Fringe
Fringe Spacing
Increasing d
Measuring Wavelength
Close Spectral Lines Example Sodium 589.0 nm and 589.6 nm
Michelson Interferometer Observer Year Arm length (in m) Michelson 1881 1.2 Michelson & Morley 11.0 1887 Miller 1902-1926 32.0 1929 Michelson et al 25.9 21.0 Joos 1930
Ligo Arm Length 4 km Hanford and Livingston in USA Caltech, MIT and other US Universities
Gravitational Waves