Fame Vocabulary
sign /saɪn/ to write your name Liam Clarke was a contestant in the Desert Island reality show. contestant /kənˈtestənt/ someone who competes in a contest He shared a flat with two friends. share /ʃeər/ use at the same time People recognize me and I sign a lot of autographs. recognize/ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ to know somebody sign /saɪn/ to write your name
I really enjoyed all the fame and excitement I really enjoyed all the fame and excitement. fame /feɪm/ to be popular I grabbed his camera and threw it across the street. grab /ɡræb/ to take suddenly and roughly throw (threw, thrown) /θroʊ/ launch I’ve enjoyed my success. success /səkˈses/ triumph
That’s the danger when you are famous That’s the danger when you are famous. danger /ˈdeɪndʒə/ risk You lose a lot of freedom. freedom /ˈfriːdəm/ liberty The police didn’t arrest me. arrest /əˈrest/ take to prison
Word formation NOUN ADJECTIVE danger anger success good looks luck happiness fame freedom excitement difficulty laziness sadness loneliness safety beauty dangerous angry successful good looking lucky happy famous free exciting difficult lazy sad lonely safe beautiful