Stretch your editorial budget with brand extensions Presented by Kim Pittaway Copyright Kim Pittaway. Do not forward, republish or distribute without permission.
What to expect A framework within which to brainstorm and evaluate brand extension ideas A focus on editorial-based extensions Examples to prompt your own idea generation Feedback on what might work for your brand
My expertise Magazine writer and editor Developed multiple brand extensions for Chatelaine, including web guide, recipe collections, health guide and radio show Worked with on their real estate brand extension Editorial consultation with magazines across a range of sizes and budgets with a focus on editorial and brand strategy
Why extend your brand?
To generate additional income
To generate additonal income by… Getting more $$ from your existing audience Getting more $$ from your existing advertisers Getting new income from a new audience Getting new income from new advertisers Getting more use (higher income) from existing assets
So the starting point is… To know your audience, your advertisers and your assets Who is your target audience? What do you deliver to them? Who wants to reach them? What does your audience want more of? What do your advertisers want more of?
And you could ask yourself… Are there new markets we could be reaching? New advertisers we could be targeting?
But in all of this, the low- hanging fruit is… …to maximize the content you already produce
Which leads to more questions… Do you have evergreen content that can be repurposed in new formats? –Recipes –Plans/how-to –Local history –Natural history Do you have specialist content that can be compiled for niche audiences? –Bird watchers –Antiquers –Family reunion
More questions, p 2 Do you have seasonal content that can be collected and reused? –Holiday best –Pumpkin stencils –Turkey video Do you have content in one medium that can be reused in another? –Online –Radio/TV –Newspaper
More questions, p3 Do you have content/contacts that can be turned into events/experiences? –Award programs –Editor/columnist/writers in-person –Exclusive events
Delivering more to the target Décor Toronto Life real estate guide--online and in print Chatelaine Recipes/Good Health CH&H SIPs--one more way to slice it But does more have to be this big?
Small but smart Posters Real Simple to go Martha Stewart recipe cards Up Here dog cards Day time/night time maps
But does it always start with the magazine? The South Beach example
Does it always have to come from the editors? Reader photos in calendars and other content Reader involvement in voting for images Reader recipes Reader stories Our Canada and More of Our Canada
Why extend your brand?
To deepen your reader connection
To build reader loyalty
Why do readers affiliate with your brand? Why do they want to belong to your tribe?
The emotional life of readers Self-esteem Nostalgia Pride Connection Aspiration
So how… …can your brand extensions deepen those emotional bonds and cement reader loyalty?
By meeting emotional needs What are your readers emotional triggers? –What emotional notes do they hit in their letters? –What kinds of content do they already respond to strongly?
And what extensions fit those triggers? our best recipes vs your best recipes your best recipes vs best family reunion recipes Regional iconography Memories/stories/nostalgia Competency tools (how-to, guides) Dream enablers (r.e., plans)
Brainstorming What emotional note do you want to strike? What content do you have at your disposal? What extension could you create? How could you monetize it?