Telescope Array Experiment Status and Prospects Hisao Tokuno Tokyo Institute of Technology The Telescope Array collaboration
Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum Exponential Slop index ~ -3 E-3 M.Nagano New Journal of Physics 11 (2009) 065012
UHECR spectrum Flux x E3 J(E)E3 m-2 sec-1 sr-1 eV2 log(E/eV) UHECR (>3-5x10^19eV) Encounter CMB GZK cutoff Flux x E3 J(E)E3 m-2 sec-1 sr-1 eV2 Auger, HiRes: Cutoff structure AGASA: 11events > 1020eV AGASA HiRes Auger AGASA Astropart. Phys. 19 (2003) 447 HiRes stereo Astropart .phys. 32(2009) 53 Auger Phys. Lett. B 685 (2010) 239 log(E/eV)
Telescope Array collaboration ~ 120 people Japan US Korea Russia Belgium
TA concept Scintillation detectors (AGASA type) for SDs Surface Detector (SD) array of ~ 8 x AGASA - Full coverage of the SD array with STEREO fluorescence detectors (FDs) include HiRes detector - Northern hemisphere (Utah, U.S.A.) Fluorescence Detectors (FDs) Surface Detectors (SDs)
Fluorescence Detector Refurbished from HiRes Middle Drum 14 cameras/station 256 PMTs/camera Observation started Dec. 2007 5.2 m2 ~30km New FDs 256 PMTs/camera HAMAMATSU R9508 FOV~15x18deg 12 cameras/station Observation started Nov. 2007 Long Ridge Black Rock Mesa Observation started Jun. 2007 6.8 m2 ~1 m2 6
Surface Detectors (507 SDs) Wireless LAN Antenna (2.5 GHz) Scintillator 3m2, t=1.2cm Two Layers: Upper/Lower PMT x2 Electrontubes 9124SA 1.2 km spacing Solar panel (120 W) GPS antenna Scintillator Box Scintillator (3 x 1.0 m2 x 1.2 cm ) + WLSF (1 mm dia., 2 cm separation) Electronics (under Solar panel) Waveform recorder/GPS/Wireless LAN/ Power control/Detector control/
SD event sample Lateral distribution Particle density Waveform Timing distribution
FD stereo event sample Number of Photo Electron Depth (g cm-2)
TA preliminary results Energy spectrum FD 3rd station (HiRes detector): consistent with HiRes (reported @ ICRC2009) FD-Mono(+1SD) SD: photon limit FD-Stereo: Xmax distribution Particle identification
Energy Spectrum (FDmono+1SD) Preliminary Obs. : 906.8hr Exposure: ~3*1015 m2 sr s (>~1019eV) Shower axis tSD FD tcore rcore rSD Reconstruction accuracies are improved than FDMono
Photon limit (SD) Gamma Shower younger than Hadron’s @ a same Energy Parameter “a” distribution Parameterization of Shower front curvature t(r)= t0 + t plane(r) +a tL (r) Gamma: more steeper data photon MC (E-2) “a” Linsley’s curvature parameter and a likelihood test (not shown here)
Photon limit (SD) TA SD photon limit Egamma > 1019 eV 45deg < zenith < 60 deg Total exposure: 158 km2 sr yr A: AGASA PA: Auger Preliminary result F < 3.3x10-2 km-2 sr-1 yr-1 (95%CL)
Xmax (FD) Gamma/Hadron and Proton/Others Shower developments Maximum development point of Air shower Gamma/Hadron and Proton/Others Shower developments Fast > Slow Iron > Proton > gamma ex. @1019eV Proton ~770g cm-2 Iron ~ 700g cm-2 dXmax ~ 70 g cm-2 Atmospheric depth
Xmax distribution Preliminary Preliminary E >1018.5 eV CORSIKA QGSJET II E >1018.5 eV Preliminary Data (61 events) Proton (Simulated+reconst.) Iron (Simulated+reconst.) Simulation: CODE: CORSIKA Int. model: QGSJET I, II, SIBYLL CORSIKA SIBYLL Preliminary result Need Check selection biases Systematic uncertainties Preliminary Reconstructed Xmax Chi2 / dof QGSJET-II QGSJET-01 SIBYLL P 1.44 1.046 1.63 Fe 55.54 56.67 85.71
Current studies SD / FD Energy scale Detailed Detector performance FD/SD reconstructed- energy comparison SD energy scale FD absolute calibration Electron light source (next slide) Detailed Detector performance Fine cut condition to get robust results Systematic uncertainty estimation
Electron Light Source (FD End to End Calibration) Specification Energy 40MeV +/- 1% 109 e- /pulse +/-6% width 1usec 1016eV @100m 1020eV@10km Current Status Shipped from KEK to Utah set @ 1st FD station Need fix permission
Summary Operation from 2007 We obtained some preliminary results. Our SD exposure will reach AGASA’s by this summer. We obtained some preliminary results. Particles: proton dominant (E>10^18.5 eV) Gamma upper limit (from SD) Energy spectrum: consistent with HiRes (FD+1SD, FD mono @3rd station) Under study Detailed Detector performance SD energy scale Arrival direction analysis Fine cut condition to get robust results systematic uncertainties