Physical Activity and Wellness Institute (PAWI) IUPUI – Department of Kinesiology Physical Activity and Wellness Institute (PAWI) IUPUI
SECTION 1 Context
Mission Community-centered; SHAPE CUIPAPW Mission Community-centered; FULLBeauty Brands, 3M, Anthem, etc. Physical activity based (also, can speak to ill effects of physical inactivity); Collaborative; Research, Service-Learning, and Consultation – driven; Multiple settings;
Faculty expertise Broad; Real world experiences; SHAPE CUIPAPW Faculty expertise Broad; Real world experiences; All ages & all abilities; Highly engaged in high impact practices; Supportive;
Program-based; Analysis; Development; Implementation; Evaluation;
Academic Minor & Certificate SECTION 2 Academic Minor & Certificate
Youth Physical Wellness Programming SUBTITLE GOES HERE IF NECESSARY Youth Physical Wellness Programming P-12; All abilities; Professional development; Collaborative;
Wellness Coaching Minor Attractive supplement to BS; Many outside majors engage; Skill-competencies in Wellness and Health Coaching; <<< MI & Behavioral Aspects are key courses >>> (3 faculty teaching with coaching certifications).
Questions, comments, follow ups, or concerns? Mark Urtel 317.278.2015