FAA and JPDO ASAS Activities a t o A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N FAA and JPDO ASAS Activities Diana Liang FAA, ATO Operations Planning, Systems Engineering September 2005 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Outline Background – Surveillance En route Applications FAA Activity JPDO and NGATS Surveillance En route Applications Terminal Applications Surface Applications Other Concepts 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Background - FAA FAA ASAS Coordination EUROCONTROL Industry Action Plan 1- Airborne Separation Concepts Action Plan 10 – Automatic Dependent Surveillance Action Plan 18 Industry Capstone UPS Louisville Capstone activity – equipped aircraft, ground transceiver and integrated into Micro EARTS (automation). Objective – ADS-B use for radar like separation. Louisville – focus on spacing in the terminal airspace and situation awareness on the surface. 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Background JPDO Joint Planning and Development Office Established by the Vision 100 – Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act Consist of: DOT, FAA, NASA, DHS, DOD, DOC, NOAA, OST Objective: To transform the US transportation system to meet future needs. Organization/Structure: Charles Keegan - Director Robert Pierce – Deputy Director Integrated Product Teams Develop Airport Infrastructure to Meet Future Demand Establish an Effective Security System without Limiting Mobility or Civil Liberties Establish an Agile Air Traffic System Establish User-specific Situational Awareness Establish a Comprehensive Proactive Safety Management Approach Environmental Protection that Allows Sustained Economic Growth Develop a System-wide Capability to Reduce Weather Impacts Harmonize Equipage and Operations Globally Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
NGATS Concepts Next Generation Air Transport System Concepts Its About Users System Wide Transformation Prognostic approach to safety assessment Global harmonization Environmentally compatible to enable continued growth Key Capabilities Net-Enabled Information Access Performance-Based Services Weather-Assimilated Decision Making Layered, Adaptive Security Broad-Area Precision Navigation Trajectory-Based Aircraft Operations “Equivalent Visual” Operations “Super Density” Operations Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Surveillance Primary Means Timeframe Support Activities Benefits Low Density Airspace – Capstone (Current) High Density Airspace (2015-2018) Support Activities GBT (2008) SDP True Earth lat long Benefits Cost Reduction Increase Service Example of FAA activity in support of the JPDO. First step in the transition activity is the high density airspace. Another example is the SWIM activity. Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
En Route Applications See and Avoid Delegated Pairwise Separation Operations Airborne Separation in Specified Airspace “VFR like” Autonomy Operation (2020) Benefits No increase to ATCO workload Enhanced all-weather “see & avoid”: This capability provides flight crews with a display of the location of other traffic to enhance safety Delegated pair-wise separation ops: This capability increases efficiency and capacity without increasing service provider workload by providing flight crews with displays and procedures for delegated self-separation from another specific aircraft. Examples include passing, crossing, and turn behind. Supporting activity include research on procedure for separation based on surveillance performance and not the source (RSP activity). Airborne self-separation in specified airspace: This capability involves delegating separation authority to aircraft within a specified airspace boundary “VFR-like” autonomy en route: This capability provides aircraft in IMC with the freedom of route selection, see & avoid, and autonomy from air traffic service providers currently enjoyed today in VFR flight. Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Terminal Applications High Density Airspace In Trail Spacing Spacing and Merging Low Density Airspace Low Visibility Approaches Self Separation: Non-Towered, Non-Radar Airports - SATS (2010+) Benefits Efficiency and Capacity Enhancement In-trail self-spacing: This capability provides flight crews with displays and spacing guidance to enable more accurate adherence to separation standards, enhancing capacity at high-density airports. Self-spacing during merging: This capability provides flight crews with a displays and spacing guidance to enable highly efficient merging, enhancing capacity at high-density airports. Low-visibility approaches to any “air portal”: This capability enables pilots to safely perform approach and landing operations in low-visibility conditions with minimal ground-based infrastructure. Self-separation at non-towered, non-radar airports: This capability employs airborne separation assurance and cost-effective sequencing automation to enable simultaneous operations in IMC at non-towered, non-radar airports. This is the NASA lead SATS activity. Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Surface Applications Traffic Situational Awareness on Airport Surface Taxi Route Situational Awareness Surface Conflict Detection and Alerting (2009+) Virtual Tower – See and Avoid Benefits Efficiency and Situational Awareness Traffic SA on airport surface: This capability provides flight crews with a display of the location of traffic on the airport surface, enhancing safety and efficiency for both taxi and runway operations in low visibility and at night. Taxi route SA: This capability provides flight crews with a display of the assigned taxi route on a moving-map display of the airport surface, reducing the likelihood of taxi route errors in low visibility and at night. Surface conflict detection and alerting: This capability provides an added layer of safety by providing flight crews with traffic conflict detection and alerting during approach, landing, and surface operations. Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Super Density Concept Focus on the metropolitan areas – Peak Performance for the Busiest Airports Demand is great Maximize infrastructure Terminal Airspace and Airport Aircraft Spacing Runway Occupancy Surface Collision Avoidance Movement Management Maximized, environmentally acceptable runway capacity Reduced arrival/departure spacing Equivalent Visual capability Predictable detection/integration of wake vortex hazards Reduce Runway Occupancy Time Aircraft energy management during rollout coupled with optimum turnoff selection Situational awareness of “nearby” surface traffic and intent for high-speed turnoff Simultaneous operations on single runway Multiple aircraft operate on single runway when sufficient “separation” exists High-update rate surveillance info available to all aircraft Incorporates required environmental performance during all operations Airport “landside” (including security) sized accordingly Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
Management By Trajectory Managing resources against trajectory demand Flexible Airspace Time Based Metering Air Side Situational Awareness Aircraft-Aircraft Separation Ground Side Surveillance Data Source-JPDO 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N
jpdo.digiplaces.com/tech_hangar/ www.ato.faa.gov jpdo.digiplaces.com/tech_hangar/ 12/3/2018 F E D E R A L A V I A T I O N A D M I N I S T R A T I O N • A I R T R A F F I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N