Replication -The main purpose of replication is to produce more exact copies of DNA so that new cells also have DNA to function properly -It begins when enzymes start unzipping the double helix to separate the two strands -The separation of the DNA strands make a “replication bubble”.
Replication -Each strand acts as a template to form a daughter strand -Daughter strands are formed when enzymes add new nucleotides to the bases of the nucleotides on the parental strands -semiconservative replication – one parental strand is conserved and joins with a new strand to form the new double helix
Replication -The DNA strands continue to unwind and replicate as the replication bubble expands, and the two forks move in opposite directions -At each fork, there is a single, continuous “leading” strand, and another “lagging” strand made of a series of short fragments that are subsequently repaired and ligated together.