MILITARY SOCIETY Life revolved around army, no need for city walls…army will defend All men aspired to become soldiers Newborn infants were examined Healthy: could live Sickly: left to die on a hillside Spartan phalanx, horrible histories
SPARTAN MEN Age 7: taken to military barracks to start training in reading, writing, weapons Age 20: became soldiers & sent to frontier Age 30: marry & reproduce, but still stay in army Age 60: retire from army
SPARTAN MEN Life in barracks is harsh Beaten by older children to make you tough Whipped in front of others but could not cry Given little food & encouraged to steal Wore rags & no shoes all year In time, taught to lie, steal, cheat Horrible histories, spartan teacher conference
SPARTAN WOMEN Life’s ambition is to be a soldier’s mother Brought up to be healthy Trained in wrestling, boxing, gymnastics Married at 19 so babies would be healthy More personal freedoms than Athenians, but not serve in gov’t
SPARTAN GOVT. There were kings, but their duties were limited to leading the army & conducting religious services The Assembly (male citizens over 30) passed laws, made decisions Was a republic: gov’t by representatives A Council of the Elders (male citizens over 60) served as supreme court;
CULTURE Individualism and new ideas were discouraged Used Helots to farm for them They were exceptional athletes, competed well in the Olympics, & defended Greece against invaders
Government Unlike Sparta they developed a constitution that stated all free, Athenian-born men were citizens…regardless of what social class - Now they could participate in Assembly regardless of land ownership - This reduced friction in Athens
Children Boys given an education, as they were expected to hold office as a citizen 1 day Girls received no formal education, just household training from mother Private tutors or schools From 7-18 boys learned: Arithmetic --Geometry Drawing, music, gymnastics Main texts were Iliad & Odyssey
Children in Athens Wealthy girls would marry their father’s choice at 15 Peasant girls would choose a husband from the field Boys would train for future jobs after school They entered the military after graduation & then went onto careers such as businessmen or Olympic athletes
Women Wore clothes to depict their status in society Most important job is having children Women not allowed to eat/sleep in same room as men, go to market Less freedom Historical wife swap, horrible histories
Men Like their wives, wore clothes equal to their status In charge of family & house Would work as businessmen or farmers during the day Given the most responsibility in Greece, so they were the most important people
Democracy Governed by the Citizens Assembly Open to all citizens Was a democracy: ordinary citizens participate directly or by elected representatives Democracy means “rule by the people” in Greek Women, foreigners, and slave were not considered citizens.