Regular and Irregular Verbs PAST SIMPLE
REGULAR VERBS – AFFIRMATIVE How do we form the past simple of regular verbs? VERB + ED Played Visited Watched I played volleyball yesterday.
NEGATIVE I did not play volleyball yesterday. (didn’t) Subject +Did not / didn’t +Main verb (without -ed) I did not play volleyball yesterday. (didn’t)
INTERROGATIVE Did +Subject +Main verb (without -ed) INTERROGATIVE Did +Subject +Main verb (without -ed) Did you play volleyball yesterday?
IRREGULAR VERBS Do not add -ed in the past simple affirmative. see – saw break – broke BUT they form the interrogative and negative with did, just like regular verbs. Did they go to France last year? They didn’t see the accident.
Ask and answer what they did yesterday What did Mrs. Brown do yesterday? She watched TV. (To watch / watched)
What did Tom do yesterday? He rode the bike. (To ride / rode)
What did the boys do yesterday? They played football. (To play / played)
What did the girl do last weekend? She read a book. (To read/read)
What did Tom and Henry do last night? They ate hamburgers. (To eat/ate)