Professional child-adult interaction analyzed as intergenerational practices Oddbjørg Skjær Ulvik, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences ISCAR, The 4th Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, Sydney, 1 October 2014
Childhood studies Sociocultural theory Both traditions invite an interactional perspective where both adults’ and children’s social contributions become visible.
How could an interactional perspective be supplemented with an intergenerational perspective in the study of professional practices involving children? Presentasjonens tittel 04.12.2018
Positional performance (Alanen, 2009) Generational order: A structured network of relations between categories that are positioned in, and act within, necessary interrelations with each other. Childhood and adulthood are produced and reproduced in interactions taking place between members of existing generational categories – intergenerational practices. Positional performance (Alanen, 2009) Presentasjonens tittel 04.12.2018
How can professional interaction involving children be analytically framed as intergenerational practices, in which the parties in diverse and personal ways perform their culturally defined positions by “doing adult”/”doing professional” on the one hand, and “doing child”/”doing client/pupil/patient” on the other? Presentasjonens tittel 04.12.2018
Boy: Should we talk now, first? Adult: Should we do it now, first? Adult: Last time we talked, we agreed that we should do something else, not just talking, play with Legos or watch a movie, didn’t we? And there is something I want to talk about, but first I have to find out whether you want to talk with me about it. That is the one thing. And the second thing is, should we talk about things before we watch a movie or play with Legos, or should we start with watching movie and play with Legos? What do you think? Boy: We can watch a movie a little bit first, and then play with my motor set. Adult: And what should we do about the things I want to discuss? When should we do that? Boy: Should we talk now, first? Adult: Should we do it now, first? Boy: Yes Adult: And what I want to talk about with you is that you have run away once again. That is what I want to talk about. Is that ok with you? Is it ok that we talk about it? You nod. Boy: That is ok. Adult: I just talked with mother about it, but I thought it would be ok for me to understand why it happens. It is the second time, isn’t it? I just want… Presentasjonens tittel 04.12.2018
Analyzing professional practices as interactional and intergenerational could offer an opportunity to explore both children’s and adults’ agency in specific situations and the ambiguities involved. Thank you Presentasjonens tittel 04.12.2018