APPLICATION FOR THE SERVICE TEAM AT UNITY 2018 #IN MY ELEMENT AT UNITY 2018 APPLICATION FOR THE SERVICE TEAM AT UNITY 2018 Please include a photo – as attachment on email, or actual photo if posting application form. Not a passport photo – something more interesting! We still want to see your face, but a photo that tells us something about you or your character!! Return to Girlguiding Staffordshire, County Headquarters, St Peter’s School Site, Church Lane, Hixon. Staffordshire ST18 0PS or when your application is accepted you will be asked for a £40 deposit. Name Address (incl. postcode) Date of birth Home telephone Mobile Email Current Guiding role and GO membership Number Unit Division District Health Disabilities Allergies Special dietary needs/Religious requirements Guiding and Scouting qualifications, training and service projects Camps and outdoor activities attended
Occupation (please include part time jobs and/or voluntary work) Special interests and hobbies Languages Fluent/Conversational/Basic What do you expect to gain from being part of the ‘Unity 2018’ Experience – and the Service Team in particular? Reference: Please ask your Unit Guider or District Commissioner to provide a reference in the space below. Guiders, please bear in mind when writing this reference that these girls are applying for a position where they need to be reliable, trustworthy and hard working. They will have plenty of time off and fun activities, but the jobs still have to be completed efficiently. Signed………………………………………………………………. Print Name/Role …………………………………………………………………….