Jessica Brothers, Susan Blanchard, Welcome to Open House 2016-2017 Jessica Brothers, Susan Blanchard, and Nichole Horton
Parent Communication Our #1 method for daily communication with you is the active use of your child’s Agenda. Please check it daily for new notes or assignments. We will send out a newsletter via email each week. SeeSaw Class DoJo information was sent home last week.
Absences Child’s responsibility to make-up work If extended - Call or email to get child’s work Send a note when child returns Missed assignments in the absent basket will be waiting for your child when they return. We encourage your child to bring in make-up work as soon as possible but no later than 2 days for each day absent.
Student’s responsibility (class time is given for this on Monday) Teacher’s initials and parent signatures Record all homework and tests -it is on the board all week Paper homework is given Monday through Thursday Planner
Trapper Organization Papers are filed in appropriate sections D/F are signed and returned (in Reading) Home section – papers stay at home Return section – Return to school Planner remains in the Notebook Papers will stay in the “Mothership” for the nine weeks Trapper
Late Work Policy Late 1 day: -11 points Late 2 days: -22 points Paper headings: blank heading-11 points,-2 points for missing number or date) Science class is points based: student will lose 1 pt. for late work/no name papers. Late Work Policy
Reading Duval Reads (engage NY) Non Fiction Articles, Novel Studies and Book Clubs Cold reads (comprehension checks), Mid-Module assessments, End-of-module assessments- computer based and paper based Book Response folder/Journal Due at the end of every 9 weeks for a grade, AR tests Read nightly and fill out your book log Achieve- 2 HW(1 article) (one grammar lesson) (no thought question for HW) 30min of i-ready reading for HW DOL/DOR and Wordly wise-test every 2 weeks Scholastic Book Orders- online code GLWNG FSA- Florida Standardized Assessment Practice Test can be found online at Reading Brother's Reading website: for parent communication
Writing FSA Writing Informational/Opinion Paper Based for practice tests Writing
Math Workshop Duval Math (engage NY) Quizzes will be given periodically- sometimes without advanced notice. Revisions will be made on some quizzes. Mid-Module assessments-Parent signature End-of-module assessments – Parent signature – Revisions will be made on all assessments. Differentiated Instruction – data is utilized to place your child accordingly. Practice test can be found on Math Workshop
Multiplication and Divisions timed facts tests will given periodically i-Ready: district expected use: 1 hr. a week: 30 minutes during math rotations and 30 minutes for homework., student tab, student software, click on i-Ready, click on DCPS login App: Door 24 Plus- fact and fluency game Math Facts/Skills
Science Science Journals Topics include: Scientific Processes, Matter, Energy, Space, Processes that Shape the Earth, Weather & Climate, Force & Motion, Living Organisms Unit Tests- parent signature PENDA- Science online program Science Fair – required, coming soon Science
Achieve Classwork Quiz/Projects Social Studies
Grading Policy Science Tests/Projects 35% Quizzes 30% Classwork/Journal 30% Homework 5% Math Tests 40% Quizzes 25% Classwork/Journal 20% Skills 10% Homework 5% Social Studies Achieve Classwork Quiz/Projects Reading & Language Arts Achieve & Book Log – 30% Assessments and Projects – 50% Writing, Spelling, Editing & Vocabulary – 15% Home Learning – 5% Grading Policy
Field Trips Marine Science Center – teachers only- T & L: October 25 B, H, B: November 1 Alexander Hamilton 2- parent chaperones IMAX ? Nutcracker: December 2- parent chaperones Field Trips
Various Wednesdays 2:05-2:50 Student Choice Labs
The kids enjoy sharing their birthdays with their classmates The kids enjoy sharing their birthdays with their classmates. If you choose to send in something to share for the class they will eat this during lunch. Birthdays