SOC 573 – Class Organization James G. Anderson, Ph.D. Purdue University
Grading in the course is based on the following: Research Paper 40 Proposal 5 Draft 5 Final Paper 30 Class Presentation 20 Group Projects 20 Class Attendance and Participation 10 Study Questions 10 Total 100
Texts J. G. Anderson, The Human Side of Medicine, Syllabus. J.G. Anderson and K.W. Goodman, Ethics and Information Technology: A Case-Based Approach to a Health Care System in Transition. New York: Springer, 2002. C. Levine, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Bioethical Issues, 11th Edition, Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Co., 2006.
Class Attendance/Participation You are responsible for attending class. If you must miss a class for a legitimate reason, please inform the instructor before the class. You are responsible for participating in the class discussions and exercises.
Group Projects The course is divided into a number of topics that will be discussed in class. Readings are assigned for reach topic and should be completed prior to the session in which they will be discussed. You will be required to participate in five group projects and to help prepare a written report. Your group may be asked to present your findings to the class. The reports should be three-four pages double spaced. Use a word processor.
Organization of the Group Reports State the issue or question that you are addressing. Briefly describe the problem/issues investigated. Make certain that you cover all sides of the issue. Briefly describe the study methodology (e.g, survey, interviews, focus group, etc.) Summarize the results of your study using tables, graphs, etc. Include a discussion of what you learned about the issue from your study.