Timeline for Project Submission The 5 W’s & How Georgia Airports Association Spring Workshop February 19, 2016
State & Federal Fiscal Years State Fiscal Year July 1 to June 30 Currently in FY16 FY17 starts July 1 Federal Fiscal Year October 1 to September 30 Currently in FY16 FY17 starts October 1
#1. Who submits #2. What to submit The Airport Sponsor or their designated representative #2. What to submit 5 year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Application Packages for the upcoming Fiscal Year #1. Communication should be from the airport sponsor. The Dept has a contract with the sponsor and therefore communication should be between these 2 entities. #2. When you submit an application package to the Dept, this signifies the sponsor is committed and able to fund the project or projects which it has applied for. The application package should include the federal application, state application for state/local projects, project description, project estimate, project sketch and environmental documentation. The project estimate is important, this is what the Dept uses for programming funding.
#3. Where to submit #4. When to submit To the Aviation System Manager (ASM) To the Aviation Planning Manager #4. When to submit See handout #3. The Dept intends to go entirely web based using ASM for CIP and application submissions.
#5. Why to submit Assists the Department in: Understanding the airport’s needs Programming project funding Analyzing system wide needs Planning accordingly based on project schedules
How: On-going Coordination The Department will work with the sponsor and their consultant throughout the year on projects. If project issues arise, discuss those issues with your Project Manager immediately. The sooner we know the better, so we can help resolve the issue.
Help us, Help you 30 Day Contract Challenge 30 days from bid opening to GDOT sending out a contract Do not wait – you might jeopardize your funding Work with your Project Manager – they are here to help!
Any questions? Colette E. Williams, A.A.E. Assistant Program Manager, Aviation Georgia Department of Transportation