Effective Planning for Meetings District Convention 2015 Chris Chong | Ann Sobrato Key Club President Alan Kwok | CNH KFF Chair Effective Planning for Meetings
What is a Club/Board Meeting? Board Meeting: Where board members (Executive and/or Appointed) plan agendas, service events, club socials, etc. Club Meeting: A general meeting hosted by the club’s board where all members are invited for education, service, leadership opportunities
Board Meetings All officers (Executive and/or Appointed) Officers contribute information (service event ideas, fundraising ideas, reports, reminders) Plan next club meeting agenda (topics, member education, major district news, icebreakers, etc.) Plan events/fundraisers (creating a monthly calendar of what service projects and fundraisers will happen) Embody inclusiveness by inviting members
Utilizing Summer/Winter Breaks These board meetings provide more time compared to a normal board meeting Bonding opportunity: Have potlucks Make spirit gear Plan club rush DCON prep Update annual calendar
Preparations Conduct board meetings a few days to a week before the club meeting Create or update meeting agenda Delegate speaking roles to officers Prepare materials in advance: meeting agenda sign in sheets sign up sheets for service events bell and gavel PowerPoint & projector
Club meetings Start and end on time Use an agenda prepared at the previous board meeting Announce club service events, division council meetings and service events, district events and news Provide education about Key Club
Why use Agendas? Keeps the meeting organized Effective way to manage lots of information Meeting runs more smoothly if all the officers know what is happening Shows members that their time is valued Demonstrates that the board is serious about these meetings
Sample Agenda #1 Call to Order Pledges Service Review Announcements from Division Icebreakers Education Topics Socials/ Division Council Meetings Service Events Fundraisers Adjournment
Sample Agenda #2 Call to Order Meeting Attendance Thank Members Service Highlighted speaking roles Upcoming Events Questions, comments, concerns? Adjournment
Role of Officers at Meetings President is the main host and facilitates the meeting Vice-president presides if President is not present, and assists every officer as needed Secretary takes minutes and provides other logistical support Treasurer encourages dues payment and makes financial announcements
Club Chairs/Coordinators Kiwanis Family Coordinator: Talks about joint Kiwanis Family events, service projects, and education about the Kiwanis Family Project Coordinators: Talks about service events, encourages participation Fundraising Coordinator: Assists Treasurer with promoting fundraisers and preferred charities Spirit Coordinator: Promotes spirit!
Presentation Tips/Suggestions Public Speaking: REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT Use Visuals whiteboards, PowerPoints, agendas Introducing guest speakers: Make sure audience is attentive and respectful Ask Circle K and Kiwanis members to guest speak at your meeting as a way to change things up!
Dealing with disturbances Quiet Coyote “If you can hear me, clap once…” Stop talking until everyone is quiet STOP, STARE, AND SMILE! If you have a club SAA, make sure that he/she is enforcing appropriate behavior and level of respect during meetings
Keep members coming back Greet members at door and thank them for attending Use updates and reminders On Facebook group page E-mail or mass text Have giveaways, food parties, incentives to keep members coming back regularly Use flyers/announcements
Recruitment Flyer for Club Rush Day Ann Sobrato Key Club
with reminders/updates Rush Recruitment Flyer – Oakland Tech Key Club Mass text messages with reminders/updates
Appreciation/Recognition/Incentives Recognition is KEY – every member counts! Learn who the members are! Get to know other members so that everyone feels comfortable with each other Greet members when they enter - this allows members to feel appreciated and noticed Thank members at the end of the meeting
Appreciation/Recognition/Incentives Give out certificates or small prizes to recognize those who have gone above and BEEyond Have club contests and give prizes as recognition for member involvement: Most fundraising Most service Best event attendance
Provide incentives Maybe on important meeting dates, offer free cookies to those who come. Who doesn’t love cookies right? Recognition is a great way to motivate members to get more involved in the club!
Get members involved in icebreakers Change things up a bit and do different activities to keep members pumped up Create contests Offer reasonable prizes so members will be further motivated to participate!
Icebreaker Ideas Group Juggling Two Truths, One Lie I Love my Neighbor Human Knot More Pancakes Please Number Game Blind Compliments Organize Birthdays without Talking
? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!
Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Chris Chong – Ann Sobrato Key Club President 14-15 Alan Kwok – Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chair 14-15 www.cnhkeyclub.org www.keyclub.org