Extragalactic Surveys at Arecibo Robert Minchin 2009 AUSAC Meeting
Current Surveys AGES – Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey ALFALFA – Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey AUDS – ALFA Ultra Deep Survey ZoA – ALFA Zone of Avoidance survey GASS – Galex-Arecibo-SDSS Survey (LBW) 2009 AUSAC Meeting
Time Allocation From 2008 Skeptical Review: AUDS – Priority in LST ranges ZoA – Commensal with pALFA and gALFA ALFALFA : AGES : GASS – 2 : 1 : 1 share 2009 AUSAC Meeting
Time Allocated From 1st March 2008 to 28th February 2009: 2009 AUSAC Meeting
ALFALFA Survey papers VI and VII published Survey papers VIII and IX submitted Seven other related refereed papers (including refereed conference proceedings) ALFALFA undergraduate workshop held again at Arecibo in January ALFALFA blog at http://alfalfasurvey.wordpress.com 2009 AUSAC Meeting
ALFALFA: Results 21% ALFALFA sky, 7642 galaxies 2009 AUSAC Meeting
ALFALFA: Results 2009 AUSAC Meeting
ALFALFA: Results ALFALFA: alpha= -1.27 +/- 0.05, log Mstar = 9.83 +/- 0.05, Phistar = 0.004 +/- 0.001 HIPASS: alpha = -1.37 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.05, log Mstar = 9.80 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.03, Phistar = 0.006 +/- 0.0008 +/- 0.0006 2009 AUSAC Meeting
AGES No cubes completed in the last 12 months. One quadrant of the Virgo Cluster 1 cube (5 sq. deg.) taken to full sensitivity. VC cubes currently being written up as a PhD thesis. Follow-up completed on the NGC 7332 region. Paper on the full-sensitivity part of the Abell 1367 cube published (Cortese et al.) 2009 AUSAC Meeting
AGES: Virgo Cluster Results Early-type galaxy VCC 450 2009 AUSAC Meeting
AGES: NGC 7332 Results 2009 AUSAC Meeting
GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey (GASS) Targeted HI survey of ∼1000 galaxies selected from SDSS and GALEX with 0.025 < z < 0.05, 10 < log M★/M☉ < 11.5 Designed to probe the ‘green valley’ between old, red, elliptical galaxies and young, blue, spiral galaxies How do galaxies migrate from the blue cloud to the red sequence? 2009 AUSAC Meeting
GASS: Results Observations started March 2008 128 galaxies from sample already detected by ALFALFA 99 galaxies observed: 41 detected, 20 upper limits, others still being analyzed GASS 3505: ‘red and dead’ galaxy with MHI/M★ = 0.44 2009 AUSAC Meeting
GASS 3505 No emission lines z = 0.048 NUV – r = 5.9 log M★/M☉ = 10.21 30’ field SDSS Arecibo No emission lines z = 0.048 NUV – r = 5.9 log M★/M☉ = 10.21 log MHI/M☉ = 9.85 MHI/M★= 0.44 SDSS + GALEX, 4’ (∼220 kpc) field 2009 AUSAC Meeting
AUDS Observations of first field started November ’08 Observations of second field will start April ‘09 Uses the Mock spectrometers to reach z ∼ 0.16 LiveData modified to read data from the Mock spectrometer and to correct for gain change with ZA This can also benefit ZoA and AGES 2009 AUSAC Meeting
ALFA ZoA Observations taken last fall commensally with I-GALFA and GALFACTS using the WAPPs Currently being processed in Calgary Will use the Mock spectrometer for the next I-GALFA run Currently commissioning commensal observing with pALFA and RRL using the Mock spectrometer 2009 AUSAC Meeting
NGC 2903 Results published in Irwin et al. 2009 One previously-known companion galaxy (UGC 5086) not detected in HI Found 1 new companion galaxy, compared to ∼ 230 predicted by ΛCDM models HI must make up < 1% of the mass of the DM sub-halos NGC 2903 has a large HI halo (3 optical radii) 2009 AUSAC Meeting
The Year Ahead Once ZoA finishes commissioning with the Mock spectrometers, the full complement of eALFA surveys will be running ZoA data-reduction pipeline will need some work to convert it to Mock data AGES migration to CIMA 3.1 in the near future Updated LiveData now installed at AO, but needs testing 2009 AUSAC Meeting