Personal and story writing Narrative writting Personal and story writing
What is narrative writing? A narrative is a fictional STORY. YOU get to make up all the details Personal Narrative~ A TRUE story about an event that happened in your life.
Order Beginning: Introduce characters and setting (time and place) Middle: Events happen/conflicts (Rising Action) Use descriptive details Keep the events progressing forward End: Result (Falling Action)
Point of View First Person: Character is the narrator. Use “I” and “we” Second Person: When the narrator puts the reader in place of the main character. Uses “you” Third Person Limited: Only see the perspective of one character. Third Person Omniscient: The narrator knows the thoughts of all characters. You see the story from many perspectives.
Dialogue Indent for each new speaker. Use quotation marks. Use commas inside the quotation marks, then who said the words.
“Wow,” Jim said as he walked down the eerie hallway to his destination “Wow,” Jim said as he walked down the eerie hallway to his destination. “I can’t believe it!” “Hey, wait up!” Joe yelled, as he saw his friends shadow disappear around the corner. Blah, blah, blah, blah Blah, blah Blah, blah Blah, Blah,blah Blah, blah Blah, blah Blah, blah Blah, blah Blah. “Relax bro,” Jim retorted.
Use Transitions: Transitions: show how ideas, sentences, and paragraphs are connected. communicate the organization of your writing are stepping stones that help the reader get from one idea to the next.
Common Transitions Transitions run the gamut from the most simple — the little conjunctions: and, but, nor, yet, or, (and sometimes) so — to more complex signals that ideas are somehow connected — the conjunctive adverbs and transitional expressions such as however, moreover, nevertheless, on the other hand .
Descriptive details Include: Adjectives: Describe nouns Adverbs: Tell when, where, or how something is done or to what degree Sensory language: Appeals to the senses: What do you see, hear, feel, taste, smell?
Figurative Language Idiom: Piece of cake Personification: The wind was screaming… Simile: She was like a tiger on the court. Metaphor: She was a tiger… Hyperbole: I am so hungry I could eat a horse. Alliteration: Billy Bob bought a bright blue BMW.