8th Grade Presentation January 29, 2018 04/15/08 WELCOME TO 8th Grade Presentation January 29, 2018 1
Part 1: General Information
Administration Le’Ann Downs, Principal Assistant Principals Jeri Larrison-Hall, A-FE Michael Williams, FA-LA Rina Ramos, LI-RI Chad Van Winkle, RO-Z Counselors Nita Fields, A-FE Tina Barnes, FA-LA Glenna Pollock, LI-RI Jennifer Cox, RO-Z Pollock Mark McClure, CTE Director Lyndie Conner, College & Career Readiness Coordinator
Students must earn 26 credits to graduate. Grade Level 0-6.5 Freshman 7-13.5 Sophomore 14-18.5 Junior 19+ Senior Pollock Students must earn 26 credits to graduate.
Attendance Students can accumulate 9 absences per class per semester before loss of credit occurs. After 9 absences, students will need to re-gain credit by attending after school sessions to make-up their time. If a student does not make-up their time they will re-take the class and their transcript will be starred! Hall?
Extra-Curricular Activities Athletics – Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Track, Swim, Golf, Tennis, Cross Country, Baseball & Softball Cheerleading and Drill Team – determined by try- outs in the spring. Fine Arts – Band, Choir, Theatre Other activities include class officers, club officers, Academic UIL, Student Council, Key Club, NHS, FFA, HOSA, etc. A list of clubs & organizations can be found on the CHS website
Part 2: Foundation High School Graduation Program (House Bill 5)
Endorsements S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Business and Industry Public Services Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses related to STEM (Engineering) Computer Science Mathematics Science Combination of no more than two of the categories listed above.
Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications Business Management Finance Hospitality Information Technology Manufacturing Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics
Public Service Education and Training Law Enforcement Human Services Health Science
Arts & Humanities 2 levels each in two languages other than English (LOTE) 4 levels in the same language other than English (LOTE) Courses from one or two areas in fine arts English electives not included in the Business and Industry Endorsement Social Studies
Multidisciplinary Studies • 4 advanced courses from other endorsement areas • 4 credits in each foundation subject area, including English IV and chemistry and/or physics • 4 credits in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or dual credit selected from English, mathematics, science, social studies, economics, LOTE or fine arts
Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) -Required by HB5 -Completed in 8th grade -Student must choose an endorsement, complete the PGP, and have parent sign it. -Can be changed by student
Distinguished Level Of Achievement (DLA) All CHS students begin on the Distinguished Level of Achievement plan. Requirements include: 4 math credits, including Algebra 2 4 science credits Completion of ALL graduation requirements Earn at least one endorsement To be eligible for the state’s Top 10% Automatic Admission to colleges and universities, students must complete the DLA.
Performance Acknowledgements Dual Credit – 12 academic hours, earning a GPA of 3.0 or above Bilingualism – Complete all ELA requirements earning 3.0 or above, or 3 credits in the same language with 80 or above, or 3 or higher on an AP exam for language other than English Bilingualism & Biliteracy – Any of above requirements, and exited from ESL program and scored advanced high on TELPAS AP Scores – A score of 3 or above on Advanced Placement (AP) exam PSAT/SAT/ACT Scores – PSAT score that qualifies as a commended scholar or high, or achieving at least 2 of the 4 subject tests on the ACT-PLAN, or 1250 or higher on the SAT, 28 or higher on ACT
Performance Acknowledgements (con’t.) Nationally or Internationally Recognized certification – Recognized business or industry license: COMP TIA A+ NETWORK + Certified Nurse Aide CNA Pharmacy Technician Sterile Products I.V. Cosmetology Operator License Veterinarian Tech Quickbooks Intuit Certification AAFCS Pre-professional Certification in Education Fundamentals
Part 3: Course Registration
Schedule for Registration with Students Monday, March 5th Wheat Middle School Tuesday, March 6th Smith Middle School
Course Selections A copy of each 8th grade student’s course selections will be mailed home Mid-April. If you are happy with the course selections, then nothing needs to be done. If you wish to change courses, make the desired changes and turn in to your home campus counselor by May 23rd. Any change request must be in writing on the choice selection sheet.