Notions of belonging start at birth
Area of Study-Belonging…. explores a concept examines how it can be represented in different texts analyses how notions of belonging can impact on our perceptions of self and our place in the world Triggers personal reflection
to a community, religion, nation Conceptualizing Belonging It signifies Connection to: to place to others to a group to a community, religion, nation Sometimes ‘Belonging’ is as much about being excluded as it is about being included
There are strong, instinctive forces that promote unity within a group. ‘By building relations we create a source of love and personal pride and belonging that makes living in a chaotic world easier’. Susan Lieberman
This need to belong is supported by sociological study. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom.
Important elements of Belonging
Our Need to belong can: Have both positive and negative consequences Shape our individuality and sense of self Can influence our beliefs, actions and emotions Dictate our view of the world-mindset
joy, security, companionship, inclusion and stability A sense of Belonging can generate positive feelings of: joy, security, companionship, inclusion and stability
A sense of Not Belonging however can generate negative feelings of: Alienation Disaffection Estrangement Dislocation Isolation Marginalisation Rebellion
Belonging can be a sense of: Community or shared experience
A Sense of Place Belonging can be linked to… The meaning, intention, felt value and significance that individuals or groups give to particular places (Curtis & Rees Jones, 1998)
Family connections Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help us define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world. Susan Lieberman
Shared pleasure and enjoyment
Shared identity
Patriotism, Nationalism & Culture How the World Sees Us
We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. Kofi Annan We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race. Cicero
Texts often explore the problems connected with Belonging or not belonging
Finding your own way in life rather than conforming to social norms
Trying to fit in or conform
But never quite managing to
Having to hide who you want to be Secret Identity
Factions / Sub-groups
Belonging crisis! Not fitting in
Exclusion Isolation
Fractured sense of self
Still with me?
Unity gained from belonging to a group can bring strength, pride, cohesion and influence which is empowering BUT… it can be readily exploited and corrupted
Aggression and Intimidation
Racism and Prejudice
Solidarity can be exclusive Song Lyrics: Strawbs – 1973 “You don’t get me I’m part of the Union Till the day I die”
You must show understanding of different notions of Belonging and what it signifies. HOW? Through: Recognition of belonging concepts in unseen texts (Section 1) Composition incorporating belonging concepts (Section 2) Through explicit thesis statements Textual analysis Textual comparison (Section 3)
Conceptualising Challenge What do the following images say to you about belonging? Jot down as many single word ideas as you can in the time you have – approximately 20-30 seconds each:
Compare your belonging ideas with people around you
Over to you ….. You now need to formulate thesis/ motherhood statements that show your understanding of belonging concepts. Such as…
Belonging is a sign of identity; of who and what we are
As you grow, you develop the ideal of where your true belonging could be - the place, the home, the partner, and the work. John O'Donohue
We draw strength when part of a group An individual needs others to function Uniformity allows us to fit in with others We fulfil a purpose by belonging We draw strength when part of a group Belonging can diminish our individuality
Being human signifies, for each one of us, belonging to a class, a society, a country, a continent and a civilization. Claude Levi-Strauss
Still Confused? What does it mean and signify? Belonging Concepts Motherhood statements Prescribed Text What notions are represented? How are these communicated? ORTs TWO that meet typical type questions and link and/or challenge prescribed text
Exploring Belonging Themes not belonging connection disconnection acceptance non-acceptance seeking to belong reluctance to assimilate accepting difference rejecting difference social/personal avenues to belong social/personal barriers to belong belonging as an extension/addition belonging as a limitation
Time to respond. Try these exercises… You will be given a short amount of time to jot down draft responses to the following Section 1 type questions
Sample Questions - Section One Identify one belonging concept highlighted in the photograph. (ii) Discuss one visual technique that has been used to communicate this.
Collins St, 5pm – Artist: John Brack, 1955 Identify one belonging concept Discuss one visual technique used to communicate this artwork
Identify ONE belonging concept used in this advertisement Discuss ONE visual technique used to communicate this concept