How does Europe get connected to the New World?
G #1 -- GOD European crusaders fought for control of the Holy Lands with Muslims in Southwest Asia, starting around 1100. These battles continued until 1270. Some Europeans felt they had a sacred duty to fight Muslims and convert non-Christians around the world to the Christian faith. Bartolomeu Dias on his motives… “To serve God and His majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness, and to grow rich as all men desire to do.”
G #2 -- Gold Rumors of great riches in the New World drew European powers into exploration The Crusades had helped Italy control trade routes to the Middle East and Asia European powers like England, Spain, and Portugal began to look for different trade routes They desired to find a direct sea route to Asia
Gold also includes GOODS Products brought from the Middle East…
G #3 -- Glory The Renaissance and Reformation had weakened the Church and left a power vacuum which countries looked to fill Explorers looked to gain riches and fame much the same way Renaissance artists had for their creative works of art Kings and queens would finance explorers to explore new lands and discover new trade routes
VALUE WALKS Move to the appropriate side of the room based on your response to the ?
Value Walk Question #1… Which of these 3G’s, in your opinion, was/is the BEST reason for exploring?
Value Walk Question #2… Without GOLD (money in general) as a motivation, Europe would have never explored the New World.
Value Walk Question #3… Which of these three is the most relevant motivation for gaining power and prestige in the world today?
Value Walk Question #4… Which motivation do you think the United States uses the most in explaining its actions in the world?
Exit Questions You do not have to write the questions. List the 3G’s – the motivations for European exploration of the New World For GOLD, yes this included the search for riches, but what other things were Europeans searching for that could make them money?