IL-15 activation of T-cell, Φ, fibroblast in synovium of RA Angiostatic IL-12, IFN-a b g, PF4 activation of T-cell, Φ, fibroblast in synovium of RA Angiogenesis VEGF, FGF, HGF IL-8, angipoietin-1 Stromal cell derived GF TNF, TGF (indirect) Adhesion molecules ICAM-1,2 VAM-1 *b-integrin LAF-3 *P-selectin AMG : IL-15 human monoclonal Ab BMP MIF IL-15 IL-15 T-cell migration IL-15 TNF-a IL-1 IL-6 IL-7 IL-8 IL18 MIF angiopoietin-1 SDGF, FGF IL-1 TNF-a GM-CSF IL-6 MIF IL-12 IL-18 IgG IFN-g IL-2 IL-4 IL-6 IL-5 IL-17 MIF B MIF proliferation & resist to apoptosis IL-15 effector T-cells MMP IL-15 IL-18 T T1,2 K Tc NK-IFN-g IFN-g IL-2 CD40 ligand IL-15 TNF-a production by Φ -- contact dependent with CD 40L (CD154)