Jan. 13, 17 HOMEWORK: Class Happenings VTfT II present service learning projects Share That Was Then Interviews Teacher Talk Student Learning Model VA Teacher Standards Effective Teacher Walkabout Mr. Pierce Case Study Effective Teacher Scenario Cards DAILY OBJECTIVE: Students will describe the characteristics, skills, and dispositions of highly qualified teachers in suggesting strategies for handling classroom situations Finish Mr. Pierce case study and “Best Lesson Ever” reflection High school observations due next block HOMEWORK:
Congratulations. You have just been hired as a new teacher. Now what Congratulations! You have just been hired as a new teacher! Now what? Where do you start? What do you do next? What’s the process for teaching? #
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT MODEL For Standards-based Instruction and Assessment VA SOLs & Division Curricular Objectives Support & Enrichment Interventions Research-Based Instructional Strategies What do we want students to know and be able to do? What do we do if they did not learn? What do we do if they did learn? Continuous Improvement of Student Learning How do we teach so that ALL students learn? Standards-Based Assessments Data Analysis How will we know what and how well students have learned? What does the data reveal? Did the students learn?
VIRGINIA TEACHING STANDARDS For the Professional Practice of Teachers Standard 1 : Knowledge of Students The teacher understands how students develop and provides learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development
VIRGINIA TEACHING STANDARDS Standard 2 : Knowledge of Content For the Professional Practice of Teachers Standard 2 : Knowledge of Content The teacher understands the central concepts, structures, and processes of the discipline(s) he/she teachers and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the subject matter meaningful to students.
VIRGINIA TEACHING STANDARDS For the Professional Practice of Teachers Standard 3 : Planning, Delivery, and Assessment of Instruction Designs coherent instruction Plans instruction to achieve objectives Differentiates instruction Uses materials, technology, resources Selects, evaluates, adapts multiple methods of instructional strategies Uses appropriate verbal/nonverbal communication Communicates specific performance expectations
VIRGINIA TEACHING STANDARDS For the Professional Practice of Teachers Standard 4 : Safe, Effective Learning Environment Creates safe and positive environment for students Manages classroom procedures to maximize learning Develops and maintains rapport with students Creates a supportive & encouraging environment
VIRGINIA TEACHING STANDARDS Standard 5: Communication & Collaboration For the Professional Practice of Teachers Standard 5: Communication & Collaboration Works in partnership with families to promote student learning Collaborates with admin, colleagues, community to promote and support student success
VIRGINIA TEACHING STANDARDS Standard 6: Professionalism For the Professional Practice of Teachers Standard 6: Professionalism Models professional and ethical standards Personal integrity Continually reflects on, evaluates, and seeks to improve his/her practice Takes responsibility for and participates in meaningful continuous process of professional development
Where do you stand professionally? Brain Break! Where do you stand professionally?
CASE STUDY: MR. PIERCE Effective Classroom Practices Mrs. Hurst reads You listen! List effective practices of Mr. Price according to the VA Teacher Standards
Homework Finish Mr. Pierce CASE STUDY chart “Best Lesson Ever” reflect on the “best lesson ever” you have experienced since you’ve been in school. Lesson objective? Activity? Why was it the “best?” Test?
Jan. 13, 17 HOMEWORK: Class Happenings Teacher Talk Student Learning Model VA Teacher Standards Mr. Pierce Case Study DAILY OBJECTIVE: Students will describe the characteristics, skills, and dispositions of highly qualified teachers in suggesting strategies for handling classroom situations Finish Mr. Pierce case study and “Best Lesson Ever” reflection High school observations due next block HOMEWORK: