SASA CLUB AND player DEVELOPMENT Model By Andrew Lenhardt
What Is SASA? C:\Users\andre\OneDrive\Docum ents\SASA Mission and Philosophy.docx
SASA Team Structure and Player Pathway Central Illinois Elite Super Y League U12-U18 Summer Elite National League High School Showcase National (Blue) CIYSL/SLYSA Community/state/Region U13-U15 SLYSA Regional/National (WHITE) Competitive State/Regional (White) U11-U12 (BLUE) State level/Regional Developmental Community/State Level U9-U10 Developmental/Competitive Blue and White U7-U8 SASA Spirits Juniors Community U4-U8 SASA Youth Academy SASA Team Structure and Player Pathway
SASA Youth Academy/Juniors SASA Youth Academy U5-U8 Boys and Girls One Practice a week. In House League Games SASA Spirits Juniors U7-U8 (2011-2010) 8 Week optional DOC Training and One Practice a week. CIYSL Youth Academy League, Two SASA Tournament(Fall and Spring), One Additional Tournament per Season. Indoor Session of Training and Games. SASA Youth Academy/Juniors
SASA U9-U10 Blue and White: SASA Spirits Blue and White U9 Boys and Girls (2009) Team Camp, Eight Week Optional DOC, One Birth Year Training a Week, One Team Training a week. CIYSL Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), Four SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(2 in the Fall and 2 in the Spring) Indoor Session and Games SASA Spirits Blue and White U-10 Boys and Girls (2008) CIYSL or SLYSA** SASA U9-U10 Blue and White:
SASA U11-U12 Blue and White: SASA Spirits Blue U11-U12 Boys and Girls Team Camp, Eight Week Optional DOC, One Birth Year Training a Week, One Team Training a week.. SLYSA Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), Six SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall and 3 in the Spring) Indoor Session and Games SASA Spirits White U11-U12 Boys and Girls Team Camp, Eight Week Optional DOC, One Birth Year Training a Week, One Team Training a week. CIYSL or SLYSA SASA U11-U12 Blue and White:
SASA U13-U14-U15 Blue and White: SASA Spirits Blue U13-U14-U15 Boys and Girls Team Camp, 2-3 Trainings, 4 Advance DOC Sessions. SLYSA Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), Six SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall and 3 in the Spring),One President Cup/State Cup in Spring Indoor Session and Games SASA Spirits White U13-U14-U15 Boys and Girls CIYSL or SLYSA Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), Six SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall and 3 in the Spring), Illinois Cup in Spring SASA U13-U14-U15 Blue and White:
SASA U15-U16 Blue and White: SASA Spirits Blue U15-U16 Boys and Girls Team Camp, 2-3 Trainings, 4 Advance DOC Sessions. SLYSA Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), Six SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall and 3 in the Spring),One President Cup/State Cup in Spring Indoor Session and Games SASA Spirits White U15-U16 Boys and Girls CIYSL or SLYSA Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), Six SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall and 3 in the Spring), Illinois Cup in Spring SASA U15-U16 Blue and White:
SASA U15-U16 Blue and White: SASA Spirits Blue U15-U16 High School Boys and Girls Team Camp, 2-3 Trainings, 4 Advance DOC Sessions. SLYSA Two SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), 4 SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall or 3 in the Spring),One President Cup/State Cup in Spring Indoor Session and Games SASA Spirits White U15-U16 High School Boys and Girls Team Camp, 2 Trainings, 4 Advance DOC Sessions. CIYSL or SLYSA One SASA Tournaments (FALL and Spring), 4 SASA Approved Additional Tournaments(3 in the Fall or 3 in the Spring), Illinois Cup in Spring SASA U15-U16 Blue and White:
SASA Spirits High School Showcase and White SASA Spirits High School (U17-U19) Show Case Boys and Girls Team Camp, 3 Trainings per week, 4 Guest Training Sessions. CIYSL One SASA Tournaments (FALL or Spring), 4 SASA Approved College Showcase, One President Cup/State Cup in Spring Indoor Session and Games SASA Spirits High School (U17-U19) Boys and Girls White Team Camp, 2 Trainings per week, 2 Guest Sessions. One SASA Tournaments (FALL or Spring), 3-4 SASA Approved Additional Tournaments and Illinois Cup. SASA Spirits High School Showcase and White
Central Illinois Elite Super Y League Summer Elite League June and July Midwest Conference National Tournament if you qualify Regional Scouting Series and National team pool. U12-U18 Boys and Girls Central Illinois Elite
SASA Style of Play at all AGE Groups and philosophy.