Quality Charter DS & Quality Charter OBJECTIVES OF THE QUALITY CHARTER To give the customers a guarantee of the service level offered by the DS To give the DS a guarantee of the service level offered by EUROSTAT Participation in the quality procedure Quality Charter DS & Quality Charter HELP !!! Eurostat has commissioned an external company 13 DS have already signed First step: 3 DS + DSNS
DS & QUALITY CHARTER Data Shop Luxembourg (12/00) Data Shop Bruxelles (12/00) Data Shop Madrid (12/00) SIGNED!!! Data Shop Berlin (03/01) Data Shop Helsinki (05/01) Data Shop Oslo (05/01) Data Shop Voorburg (05/01) Data Shop Copenhaegen (05/01) DS & QUALITY CHARTER Data Shop Stockholm (06/01) Data Shop Roma (09/01) Data Shop Milano (09/01) Data Shop New York (09/01) Data Shop Zurich (09/01)
DS & QUALITY CHARTER Data Shop Lisboa Data Shop London Data Shop Paris NOT YET SIGNED!!! Data Shop Lisboa DS & QUALITY CHARTER Data Shop London Data Shop Paris
Number of written requests received -2nd Quarter 2001- Roma Milano Zurich New York Voorburg Helsinki Copenhagen Lisboa Oslo Luxembourg Berlin Bruxelles London Paris Madrid PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1 000 requests 500 requests ? Stockholm
TURNOVER & EXTRACTIONS -2nd Quarter 2001- 13.Stockholm 14.Helsinki 15.Zurich 10.Voorburg 11.Milano 12.Copenhagen 3.Madrid 4.Berlin 5.New York 6.Paris 7.Roma 1.Luxembourg 2.Bruxelles PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 50% extracts 16.Oslo 8.London 9.Lisboa 5 Keuros 20 Keuros 100 Keuros
TURNOVER / STAFFING RATE -2nd Quarter 2001- Voorburg Milano Stockholm Helsinki Oslo Zurich Roma Berlin Paris Lisboa London New York Bruxelles Luxembourg Madrid PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 7 Ke/pers 16 Ke/pers ? Copenhagen